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A Mechanism of Defined Responsibilities



脱贫攻坚战建立了分工明确、体系严谨的领导责任制,为各层级、各部门参与脱贫攻坚建立了基础性的工作机制。2015年6月,习近平要求强化扶贫开发工作领导责任制,把中央统筹、省负总责、市(地)县抓落实的管理体制落到实处。2015年11月,《中共中央 国务院关于打赢脱贫攻坚战的决定》要求“强化脱贫攻坚领导责任制”。2016年10月,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发《脱贫攻坚责任制实施办法》。由此,脱贫攻坚“中央统筹、省负总责、市县抓落实”的领导责任制基本形成,并在不断完善中为打赢脱贫攻坚战提供坚实保障。


A Mechanism of Defined Responsibilities

China has established a system of leadership with clearly defined responsibilities for officials at different levels to ensure victory over poverty.

Xi Jinping in June 2015 instructed that the system for leadership responsibilities in poverty alleviation and development be reinforced, whereby the central leadership makes overall plans, provincial authorities take overall responsibility, and city and county authorities take charge of implementation. The Decision on Winning the Battle Against Poverty, in November 2015, made a similar requirement. In October 2016, the central authorities released the Regulations on Poverty Alleviation Responsibilities, marking the formalization of the said leadership system.

Under this system, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council are responsible for formulating major principles, strategies, policies and measures, and devising major projects. The Party committees and governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities take overall responsibility for development-oriented poverty alleviation, and based on local conditions, they will set goals, assign projects, allocate funds, mobilize the public, and supervise and evaluate relevant implementation. The Party committees and governments of cities (prefectures) are responsible for coordinating the work as a major link between higher authorities and counties at lower levels in their respective jurisdictions, and scrutinizing relevant work and progress. Their primary task is to ensure their poor counties escape poverty as scheduled. The Party committees and governments of counties take on the duties as major actors in poverty alleviation, and their Party secretaries and mayors are to assume main responsibility for the work. Based on the conditions in their counties, they set the schedule, make good use of funds, coordinate labor distribution, and urge progress in relevant work and projects.

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