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The System of Government Responsibility for Eco-Environmental Conservation

By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

The System of Government Responsibility for Eco-Environmental Conservation

This system has been introduced to define the powers and responsibilities of government departments related to eco-environmental conservation and review and evaluate their performance. It has proved to be an effective measure for pollution control.

A component of the entire eco-civilization system, the system is also part of China's efforts to modernize the state governance system and capacity.

The system has the following institutional components:

(1) review of specific targets of emission reduction, environmental quality improvement and other tasks;

(2) comprehensive performance evaluation in relation to eco-environmental conservation to improve the review of local government performance;

(3) pilot review and evaluation to promote eco-civilization;

(4) division of work and responsibilities of relevant government departments; and

(5) an accountability mechanism based on the responsibility system.

Since 2012, as China advances its reform of the eco-civilization system across the board, the system of government responsibility for eco-environmental conservation also gradually becomes mature.

Speaking at the National Conference on Eco-environmental Protection in May 2018, Xi Jinping also put forth the idea of a responsibility system for fulfilling the goal of eco-environmental improvement.

In June 2018, the central authorities issued a document on reinforcing eco-environmental protection and fighting pollution. The document emphasized the importance of implementing the system of responsibility of leading officials, with Party and government officials both assuming responsibilities in eco-environmental conservation. As with other factors used in the evaluation of economic and social development, the indexes of resource consumption, environmental damage and ecological benefits will all be linked to officials' performance. Reasonable targets will be set, effective evaluation methods will be created, and rewards and sanctions will be introduced, to provide reliable guidance for building an eco-civilization. 




中共十八大以来,中国全面推进生态文明体制改革,生态文明建设政府目标责任体系日益成熟。2018年5月,习近平在全国生态环境保护大会上提出,建设以改善生态环境质量为核心的目标责任体系。2018年6月,中共中央、国务院发布《关于全面加强生态环境保护 坚决打好污染防治攻坚战的意见》,进一步提出要落实领导干部生态文明建设责任制,严格实行党政同责、一岗双责。通过把资源消耗、环境损害、生态效益等体现生态文明建设状况的指标纳入经济社会发展评价体系,建立体现生态文明要求的目标体系、考核办法、奖惩机制,可以为推进生态文明建设提供重要导向和可靠保障。

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