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The System of Compensation for Eco-Environmental Damage

By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

The System of Compensation for Eco-Environmental Damage

The system of compensation for eco-environmental damage is an important component of the system of institutions for building an eco-civilization. The central authorities have used compensation as a tool of remedy to assist with eco-environmental conservation.

The 18th CPC Central Committee, at its third plenary session in 2013, decided to adopt such a system to make those responsible pay for damage and hold offenders accountable for criminal acts.

From 2015 to 2017, pilots were carried out in some provinces and cities, and in 2018, the system was rolled out nationwide.

The 19th CPC Central Committee, at its fourth plenary session in 2019, announced the decision to implement the eco-compensation system, and the systems of compensation and lifelong accountability for eco-environmental damage.

The system of compensation for eco-environmental damage has clear provisions about the scope of application, the parties responsible, the claimants, the channels of payment, damage identification and evaluation, relevant technologies, funding guarantees and operational mechanisms. The implementation of the system helps raise the efficiency of damage payment and eco-environmental recovery.

Previously, when the environment was polluted by an enterprise, it was the people who suffered and the government who had to pay for the pollution. This new system now provides institutional guarantee for protecting the people's environmental rights and interests, and meets their growing desire for a pleasant eco-environment.

A sound system of compensation for eco-environmental damage is an important part of the reform to build an eco-civilization. It is also part of the strictest possible systems for ecological and environmental protection practiced in China.




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