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Jack Kerouac and The Dharma Bums

By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Jack Kerouac and The Dharma Bums

The profound influence of Gary Snyder's translation of 24 Han Shan's poems on US society later on should largely be attributed to Jack Kerouac (1922-1969). Kerouac, inextricably connected to the Beat Generation in the 1950s and 1960s, is even referred to as the Beats' spokesman. On the Road and The Dharma Bums are Kerouac's most representative works, and it is precisely in these works that the author expounds on the essence of the Beat Generation.

Written in an autobiographical style, The Dharma Bums was published in 1958, carrying the words "Dedicated to Han Shan" on its title page. In reality, however, Kerouac's book is dedicated to Snyder. It in fact tells the friendship between Kerouac and Snyder. It tells how Kerouac carefully listened to Snyder translate Han Shan's poetry and interpret Han Shan's spirit, and finally how Han Shan's spirit guided Kerouac toward enlightenment.



《达摩流浪者》是一本自传体小说,该书出版于1958年,扉页上写着“Dedicated to Han Shan”(献给寒山)。实际上,凯鲁亚克是把此书献给斯奈德的。书中描写的其实是作者凯鲁亚克和斯奈德的一段友谊,讲述的是凯鲁亚克如何倾听斯奈德翻译寒山诗、讲述寒山精神,最后又如何在寒山精神引领下前行的故事。

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