Grand sceneries of Yungang Grottoes in Shanxi

By Mi Xingang
0 Comment(s)Print E-mail, September 7, 2013

The Yungang Grottoes are ancient Chinese Buddhist temple grottoes, located 16 kilometers west of Datong City in Shanxi Province. Extending about 1 km from east to west on the north cliff of Wuzhou Mountain, the grottoes were built during the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-557). Some 45 major caves and 209 other ones cover a total area of 18,000 square meters. The caves feature 51,000 stone carvings, the highest one measuring 17 meters and the smallest one only 2 cm. In 2001, the Yungang Grottoes were made a UNESCO World Heritage Site. [Photo by Mi Xingang/]

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