Chinese embroidery art exhibition in Beijing

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail, November 23, 2011

An exhibition of contemporary Chinese embroidery presented by the Chinese National Academy of Arts is running at Beijing's Chinese Museum of Women and Children.The exhibits consist of works collected by the China National Arts and Crafts Museum and pieces by artists from around China. They cover the four major regional styles of Chinese embroidery - Su Xiu (from Jiangsu province's Suzhou), Xiang Xiu (from Hunan province), Yue Xiu (from Guangdong province) and Shu Xiu (from Sichuan province). Nearly 100 artists will participate.The exhibition is one of a series of events to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Chinese National Academy of Arts' founding. It ends on Nov 28.[ by Dong Qingpei]

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