Scenery of Jueshan Temple in Lingqiu County, Shanxi Province

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, July 24, 2012

 Jueshan Temple, also known as Puzhao Temple with an area of 8,100 square meters, was built in the fifth century. The thirteen-tier Jueshan Temple Pagoda, a masterpiece of classical architecture, is the landmark of the temple.

Photo taken on July 20, 2012 shows a scenery of Jueshan Temple in Lingqiu County, north China's Shanxi Province. Jueshan Temple, also known as Puzhao Temple with an area of 8,100 square meters, was built in the fifth century. The thirteen-tier Jueshan Temple Pagoda, a masterpiece of classical architecture, is the landmark of the temple. [Xinhua/Yan Yan]

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