Charming scenery of ancient town seen in Yunnan

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, November 21, 2017

Photo taken on Nov. 19, 2017 shows the scenery of Heshun Township of Tengchong County, southwest China's Yunnan Province. Located in west Yunnan Province, the Heshun Township is a small ancient town with pleasant climate and tranquil surroundings. Small as it is, the town is a charming place in many ways. It used to be an important stop on the ancient "South Silk Road" where the Chinese culture converged with that of the Southeast Asia and the West. The town displays a harmonious picture of nature and people with blooming cole fields, evergreen hills and old-fashioned dwelling houses. Nowadays, Heshun has become a hot tourist destination for worldwide travelers. (Xinhua/Yang Zongyou)
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