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'King's Speech' gets royal treatment

'The King's Speech' reigned in Hollywood Tuesday as Oscar voters bestowed 12 nominations on the movie, including best picture, actor and director.
"The King's Speech" reigned in Hollywood Tuesday as Oscar voters bestowed 12 nominations on the movie, including best picture, actor and director.
"The King's Speech" reigned in Hollywood Tuesday as Oscar voters bestowed 12 nominations on the movie, including best picture, actor and director, Reuters reported. 据路透社报道,周二,《国王的演讲》在好莱坞笑傲群雄,通过投票荣获12项提名,其中包括最佳影片、最佳男主角和最佳导演。 
"True Grit," a Western remake received 10 nominations. The film's writers/directors/producers, Joel and Ethan Coen, accounted for three of those nominations. 重拍的西部片《大地惊雷》获10项提名。此片的编剧、导演兼制片人乔尔和伊桑•科恩占了其中的3项提名。
The Facebook drama "The Social Network" received eight nominations, tying the sci-fi thriller "Inception." 脸谱网剧情片《社交网络》获得8项提名,与科幻惊悚片《盗梦空间》打成平手。
All will vie for best picture, a 10-film field rounded out by "Black Swan," "The Fighter," "The Kids Are All Right," "127 Hours," "Toy Story 3" and "Winter's Bone."


