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Inflation forces China to raise rates


The People's Bank of China, China's central bank, is raising benchmark interest rates for the third time since last October as Beijing steps up effort in taming high inflation, Xinhua reports. 据新华社电,中国人民银行自去年10月以来第三次宣布提高基准利率,此举表明中国政府正加大力度控制居高不下的通货膨胀。
The benchmark one-year borrowing and lending rates will rise 25 basis points to 6.06%. The announcement came on the final day of the week-long Spring Festival holiday, in a move that appears to avoid upsetting global and home markets, Financial Times said. 央行宣布基准一年期存贷款利率将上调25个基点,达到6.06%。英国《金融时报》表示,此次加息的时机选择在春节七天长假的最后一天,似乎是为了避免扰动全球和国内市场。
The rate has been anticipated and most economists expect at least one more rate hike in the coming months.

