China allocates 3.7 mln yuan for quake-hit Yunnan

Xinhua, March 19, 2011

China's Ministry of Finance (MOF) said on Friday that it has allocated 3.7 million yuan (about 564,024 U.S. dollars) for health and epidemic prevention efforts in quake-hit Yingjiang County in China's southwestern Yunnan Province.

The funding, which comes from the central budget, will be spent on health and epidemic prevention work and the repair of medical facilities, said the ministry through a statement on its website.

A 5.8-magnitude earthquake hit Yingjiang County near the country's border with Myanmar last Thursday, leaving 25 people dead and 314 injured.

The central government last Friday allocated 55 million yuan for quake relief in the region. On Saturday, the MOF set aside another 50 million yuan for infrastructure emergency repair for roads and water supply systems.