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Memorial held on 2008 quake anniversary


Families of victims, former residents, rescue and reconstruction workers gathered at a public ceremony in Beichuan, Sichuan Province, to remember the victims of the Sichuan earthquake three years ago Thursday, ifeng reports. A one-minute moment of silence was held, while many people laid flowers at the memorial. Beichuan was the most severely-hit region. 据凤凰网报道,昨天是汶川大地震三周年,人们在当时的重灾区,北川老县城举行了公祭活动。遇难者家属、老北川居民、灾区救援队和援建单位代表出席了活动。人们为遇难同胞默哀一分钟后,陆续向纪念碑献花。
2008 quake museum opens in Chengdu 抗震救灾纪念馆开馆
China's first museum dedicated to the victims of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake opened Wednesday in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, Xinhua reports. The museum has six sections with 270 exhibits and 559 photos, including those of rescuers, which line the halls. 据新华社报道,全国首个为四川地震遇难同胞设立的抗震救灾纪念馆周三在成都开馆。馆内设有六大主题展览,陈列实物展品270余件、图片559张。展厅再现了救援人员的抗灾画面。
China urges precaution for ocean disasters 海洋防灾需加强

Chinese maritime officials and experts on Wednesday called for more precaution for ocean disasters on the eve of National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Day, Xinhua reports. Loopholes in China's ocean disaster control and prevention system, such as a lack of radiation testing labs, have emerged during Japan's nuclear crisis, said Dou Yueming, an official from the North Sea Branch of the State Oceanic Administration.

(China.org.cn May 13, 2011)
