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Methods to improve Beijing traffic not effective, survey says

File photo: 76 percent of Beijing residents said the government's efforts to relieve traffic congestion in the nation's capital this past year have been ineffective, according to the latest poll by the Beijing Transportation Committee.
File photo: 76 percent of Beijing residents said the government's efforts to relieve traffic congestion in the nation's capital this past year have been ineffective, according to the latest poll by the Beijing Transportation Committee.
76 percent of Beijing residents said the government's efforts to relieve traffic congestion in the nation's capital this past year have been ineffective, according to the latest poll by the Beijing Transportation Committee, the Beijing News reported. 《新京报》消息,北京的治堵措施已经实施了半年,市交通委发起的“交通缓堵民意调查”显示,76%的投票者认为北京交通未得到缓解。
Out of nearly 20,000 people surveyed, when asked which measures were most effective, 28 percent of respondents chose the "3510" policy (where commuters are encouraged to walk to destinations within 3km, ride bicycles within 5km or take the bus or subway within 10km). 该调查吸引了约20000人参与。在“哪些措施对缓堵最有效”的投票中,28%的人选择倡导和实践“3510”绿色出行,即:3公里以内步行、5公里以内骑行、10公里以内乘公交地铁出行。

Only 7 percent thought that the current lottery system for buying cars helped to reduce traffic in the city.


(China.org.cn July 5, 2011)
