Niger: Gaddafi not in the country

Xinhua, September 8, 2011

Niger said on Wednesday that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is not in the country.

At a press briefing, Niger's Justice Minister Marou Amadou also denied the reports that a convoy of large number of vehicles from Libya had entered the country.

Rebel troops in Libya are continuing their manhunt for Gaddafi after they captured his stronghold in Tripoli on Aug. 23. His whereabouts are still unknown.

Reports said on Tuesday that a convoy carrying Libyan senior members of Gaddafi's government had entered Niger.

Niger on Tuesday also denied the reports.

Niger's Interior Minister Abdou Labo said at a press briefing that there had not been hundreds of vehicles that entered into Niger.

The interior minister also said Gaddafi is not in Niger.