Nigeria churches attacked by bombers, gunmen

  Xinhua, June 11, 2012

Gunmen and bombers struck churches in Nigeria on Sunday, causing deaths and injuries, witnesses and sources said.

In Jos city, capital of north-central Nigeria's Plateau State, at least four people were feared dead, including the suicide bomber, and 41 others wounded as the bomber joined the worshippers at a Christ Chosen Charismatic Church parish and denoted the explosives, said State police commissioner Emmanuel Ayeni.

The bomb ripped through the church altar, killing two people immediately and left several others seriously injured, he said. "The loud blast caused the church to collapse and more people were killed and injured in the process," he added.

The police chief said corpses of the casualties had been deposited in a morgue. He said the casualty figures might increase because some of the injured casualties may not be able to survive the heavy blast.

In Maiduguri of northeastern Borno State, gunmen opened gunfire at the EYN local church, leaving at least five people dead and 15 others seriously injured, said a Xinhua's local correspondent who is at the scene. He said he counted five bodies at the church and two vehicles were burnt.

State commander of the Joint Task Force (JTF) Col. Victor Ebhaleme confirmed the incident to Xinhua on phone, saying the gunmen were suspected to be members of the Boko Haram sect.

"Military forces have cordoned off the area and there's an ongoing manhunt for the terrorists," he disclosed.

The injured in the two attacks have been taken to medical facilities for treatment.

No organizations have yet claimed responsibility for the attacks.

On June 8, seven people including a suicide bomber, two policemen and four civilians were killed on Friday in an attack on the police headquarters in Maiduguri.