CSR to enhance support for China's rail transport

Xinhua, April 16, 2013

The Central Research Institute of China CSR Corp. Ltd. was unveiled Tuesday.

CSR, China's biggest train maker, developed the institute to integrate high-end technology and management resources in the railway sector, a move aimed at boosting the innovative capacity of China's railway development.

Wang Jun, head of the institute, compared the role of the new branch to an engine of innovation and a platform for gathering intelligence.

Zheng Changhong, president of CSR, said the solid foundation will enable the company to lead industrial upgrading and transformation.

State-of-the-art products like the CRH380A bullet train and the HXD1 locomotive have fueled the company's ascent as a world-leading enterprise in the industry, Zheng said.

The institute also plans to explore businesses related to the production of high-end and environmentally-friendly equipment, as well as map out economic and industry strategies.