Zhang Jingchu talks about new film

CRI, July 23, 2013

Chinese actress Zhang Jingchu poses for photos during a break from filming the movie "The Old Cinderella" on the roof of Aish HaTorah near the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem on April 18, 2013. [File Photo: CRIENGLISH.com/Zhang Jin]

Chinese actress Zhang Jingchu is working on a short film entitled "Old Cinderella". The film is being produced by award-winning director Lu Chuan, and parts of it were shot in Israel.

CRI's Jerusalem correspondent Zhang Jin got the chance to talk to Zhang Jingchu while she was working on the film in Jerusalem in late April. According to the actress, filming would also take place near the Dead Sea.

In the short film, Zhang plays a divorcee who gains a new perspective on life as she begins to meet all kinds of new people.

One of China's most popular actresses, Zhang Jingchu has starred in Feng Xiaogang's "Aftershock" and Gu Changwei's "Peacock". She also appeared in "Rush Hour 3".