One migrant dies in Channel Tunnel: report

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, July 29, 2015
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A migrant died while trying to cross to Britain from France early on Wednesday, bringing to nine the number of migrants who lost their lives in the tunnel since early June, a local TV channel reported.

A Sudanese man aged between 25 and 30 died in Calais, north France, after being hit by a lorry while trying to cross the Channel tunnel to reach British doors, the news channel BFMTV reported.

According to Eurotunnel, 1,500 migrants tried to access the tunnel on Tuesday night and 2,000 other attempts were reported the previous night.

Calais, where the French end of the Channel Tunnel is located, has been flooded by growing flows of migrants mainly from Libya, Eritrea, Sudan and Syria who fled war, insecurity and poverty.

Camping out in Calais zone, they are trying to board lorries and trains heading to Britain in hope to find a better life in London. Enditem

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