Ethiopia imposes night curfew in regional capital after rebel attack

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, June 15, 2022
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ADDIS ABABA, June 15 (Xinhua) -- An Ethiopian official disclosed on Wednesday a night curfew has been imposed in Gambella city, capital of Ethiopia's western Gambella region.

Umod Ujulu, Chief Administrator of Gambella region, said the curfew which starts at 8 p.m. and continues until dawn was imposed in the aftermath of a rebel attack on Gambella city on Tuesday.

Ujulu said only security forces will be allowed to operate in the streets of Gambella city after 8 p.m., reported state-affiliated media outlet Fana Broadcasting Corporate (FBC).

"A joint sudden attack by the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) and Gambella Liberation Front (GLF) rebel fighters on Gambella city on Tuesday has been foiled by the joint efforts of regional and federal security forces," Ujulu said.

Ujulu said many rebel fighters have been killed in the failed attack, although he didn't give any figures on the death toll.

The Gambella region chief administrator called on the public to inform security forces of any suspicious activity in Gambella city, as well as help security forces in protecting the peace of the city.

In recent years, deadly clashes between various ethnic groups in the Gambella region have killed scores and displaced thousands. The clashes are mainly over access to power and land resources.

Gambella region has also hosted tens of thousands of South Sudanese refugees fleeing civil war since 2013. Enditem

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