Chinese medical team introduces music therapy to boost TCM in Namibia

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, June 17, 2022
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WINDHOEK, June 17 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese medical team in Namibia introduced modern Chinese Medicine Music Therapy (CMMT) to their fray of already popular Tradition Chinese Medicine (TCM).

CMMT, which is also known as the Five Phases Music Therapy employs the theory of five phases and five music scales to analyze and treat mind-body illness.

In an interview with Xinhua on Friday, Chinese medical team leader, Zhou Haijiang said his team is the first one to introduce the technique which they integrated with other TCM techniques to fully reach the required treatment.

"We have just recently introduced the therapy this month following the upgrade of our Chinese clinic at the Katutura State Hospital," he told Xinhua, while he urged Namibians to come to try a different form of treatment.

Zhou said the therapy is conducted for a 20-minute session at the Katutura State Hospital, while the patient lies down comfortably listening to the music through the use of earphones while acupuncture is also administered. The different types of music focus on 5 types of organs namely the liver, heart, spleen, lung and kidney, he explained.

"I feel much better and relaxing after the treatment. The music is special and slow. I've never heard before. It feels great." a football player Willem told Xinhua.

According to Zhou, CMMT was popular at the 2022 Olympic Games in Beijing which were held in February.

"CMMT proved to help the athletes prepare for the various activities at the games. It is also used extensively at many hospitals in China," he added.

Zhou meanwhile said he would like for CMMT to be very popular among the Namibians and be at par with the already popular acupuncture therapy.

"Acupuncture is already really popular in Namibia, now we aim to bring other TCM techniques to become as popular too," he said, while he explained that all TCM techniques are safe and do not have any side effects.

Zhou and his team who has been in the country since July 2021 hope that people in Namibia consider and open up to the newly introduced CMMT, which will be integrated with other TCM to help fight ailments and live a healthy life. Enditem

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