
South Africans living abroad start voting for general elections

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, May 18, 2024
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JOHANNESBURG, May 17 (Xinhua) -- South Africans living abroad started voting on Friday for the 2024 general elections at nine of the country's foreign missions overseas, according to the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC).

The IEC announced that South Africans started voting at the country's mission in Algiers (Algeria), Amman (Jordan), Cairo (Egypt), Damascus (Syria), Jeddah (Saudi Arabia), Kuwait City (Kuwait), Ramallah (Palestine), Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) and Teheran (Iran).

A total of 76,580 people have registered to vote at South Africa's 111 foreign missions around the world.

"We are pleased that South Africans living abroad have heeded the call to vote, and we encourage those voters whose places of voting are open today to vote before the close of voting at 19:00 hours (local time in the territory)," said IEC Chief Electoral Officer Sy Mamabolo.

He said voters at the 102 missions, with a work week from Monday to Friday, will vote on May 18 between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

South Africans based in other countries will vote on Friday and Saturday, while those in London will also vote on Sunday because a large number of people (24,535) registered to vote there. "Although we have made provisions for Sunday, we urge voters not to leave it to the second and last day," Mamabolo said. "On Saturday, the entire Duncannon Street will be closed off to traffic, and stanchions will be erected to facilitate large-scale queuing."

South Africa will hold the 2024 national and provincial elections on May 29. Enditem

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