
Sanchez Flores to leave Sevilla

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, May 19, 2024
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MADRID, May 18 (Xinhua) -- Sevilla coach Quique Sanchez Flores said on Saturday that he will not continue at the club next season after a difficult five and a half months in which he has helped them avoid relegation.

The man who has also coached Atletico Madrid, Getafe, Espanyol, Valencia, Benfica, Shanghai Shenhua and Watford, made the announcement ahead of his side's penultimate game of the season, which is away to Athletic Club Bilbao on Sunday afternoon.

"I would like to inform that I told the president yesterday that I had made the decision not to continue on the team," explained Sanchez Flores, who joined the club on December 23rd.

He joined Sevilla with the club fighting to avoid relegation and has led them to top-flight safety with relative ease at a time when Sevilla has been affected by off-field conflict for the control of the club.

Sanchez Flores explained he had taken his decision to leave "in difficult moments and taken once we achieve the objective (of avoiding relegation)".

"I want to thank the players for the effort they have made and the daily communication I have had with the club president and above all I want a lot of thanks to the Sevilla fans, who have supported us in moments of maximum adversity and difficulty, when it seemed that there was not a drop of hope for the team to come back and compete," he added. Enditem

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