
Australian universities hope to expand cooperation with Chinese counterparts

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, May 24, 2024
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ADELAIDE, Australia, May 24 (Xinhua) -- Australian universities have expressed hope to expand cooperation with Chinese universities and provide better support and services for Chinese international students and scholars.

Flinders University's Deputy Vice-Chancellor Raymond Chan made the statement on Wednesday while introducing the ongoing cooperation and exchanges between Flinders University and its Chinese counterparts.

During his visit to Flinders University, the Chinese Consul General in Adelaide Li Dong encouraged the university to further expand mutually beneficial cooperation with Chinese universities and institutions in scientific research and joint education programs, giving full play to the disciplinary advantages of Flinders University.

The Chinese Consulate General in Adelaide has always been committed to deepening exchanges and cooperation on education between China and South Australia, Li said.

Li also discussed educational cooperation with the University of Adelaide in April.

Peter Høj AC, vice-chancellor and president of the University of Adelaide, introduced the university's research cooperation and joint education programs with Chinese universities, saying that more Chinese students are welcome to study at the university. Enditem

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