
ADB approves 500 mln USD loan to Indonesia

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, May 24, 2024
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MANILA, May 24 (Xinhua) -- The Asian Development Bank (ADB) on Friday said it has approved a loan of 500 million U.S. dollars to strengthen Indonesia's program to reduce plastic marine debris.

The program will focus on supporting the country's National Action Plan for Handling Marine Debris, which aims to reduce plastic waste flow into the oceans by 70 percent by 2025, the ADB said.

"ADB is pleased to partner with Indonesia to reduce marine debris while promoting the development of the blue economy," said ADB Country Director for Indonesia Jiro Tominaga.

Rampant plastic pollution has threatened Indonesia's coastal areas, home to 70 percent of the country's population and vital for major economic contributors including marine tourism and fisheries.

By approving the loan, the ADB promises to support Indonesia's action plan by improving plastic waste management, reducing problematic plastic production and consumption, and strengthening data and monitoring tools for policy making. Enditem

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