
Language contest held in Ghana to select young Chinese-speaking talents

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, May 25, 2024
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ACCRA, May 25 (Xinhua) -- Ghana's national qualification for the 17th "Chinese Bridge," a Chinese language competition for foreign secondary school students, was successfully held on Friday.

Organized by the Confucius Institutes at the University of Ghana, the University of Cape Coast (UCC), and the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, the event brought together eight finalists from across the country.

Addressing the event, Clement Appah, Ghanaian director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Ghana, said the contest is the cultural and linguistic bridge between China and other countries. "The competition symbolizes the connection and exchange of knowledge, culture and friendship."

"Learning the Chinese language and imbibing the culture will prepare you for a future in which the Chinese language prevails and a future in which you will be prepared to take advantage of all the opportunities that come with knowing Chinese," the Ghanaian director added.

Margaret Amoabeng, a student at the University Practice Senior High School of UCC, was the overall winner of the competition, which enabled her to participate in the international competition in China.

"I am very excited, and I don't even know how to express how happy I am. To be honest, the preparation was very intense," she said, adding that she will prepare even harder for the international competition in China to win laurels for Ghana.

"Although learning Chinese is difficult for foreign students, it is doable with determination," Amoabeng said

Afua Ampaw, a student at Cornerstone International Academy who won the first prize, said the competition would open doors for her in the future.

"I see learning Chinese as something that will broaden my horizons. By learning Chinese, I have made new connections with different people. Going on stage for performances like this also boosts my confidence," Ampaw said. Enditem

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