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Games time health protection system & medical services
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Beijing municipality has an immunity and disease prevention inoculation network and enhanced immunity planning and hole-checking and inoculation-supplementing work.

Six hundred and sixty-seven immunity and inoculation clinics in Beijing integrate lepra cheek union bacterin and chicken pox bacterin into the scope of children immunity and vaccination; inoculated hives and epidemic brain bacterin for 1.1 million influx labor workers were provided (free of charge) during the past three years and made up deferred inoculation of bacterins for 14 preventable diseases for 1.4 million children younger than six-years-old whose parents are influx labor workers in the past four years.

In the autumn and winter of 2007, Beijing municipality inoculated flu bacterins for 1.8 million citizens, among which, 838,000 are citizens older than 60. The inoculation rate is now up to 43.5%.

Improvements in the sanitation quantification and grade management were forcefully implemented throughout the catering industry in Beijing. Catering units meeting Grade A, B, and C amount to 99.61% of all catering units in the city.

Thanks to vector biology supervision vector biology is being controlled effectively. Up to now, vector biology indexes of Beijing municipality reach up to national control standard.

The Beijing Headquarters for Public Health Emergency Management was founded to cope with public health emergencies. Thanks to the foundation of the headquarters, a command system which is mainly based on administrative divisions which has a leading centre to make plans and coordinate campaigns, whose functions are well categorized, in which duties are clearly assigned to individuals, has been set up.

Specifically for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad there will be:

• 156 first-aid stations;

• 1,794 medical workers;

• 191 ambulances, and

• 803 first-aid personnel have been dispatched to all Olympic competition, non-competition and training venues.

Each ambulance is equipped with pacemakers, scoop stretchers, 800-magawatt interphones and other necessary facilities and clinics have been built in the Olympic Village staffed with 626 medical workers. These clinics can provide 10 medical programmes, such as internal medicine, orthopedics, physiotherapy and nine services including first aid and primary medical treatment.

In total, there will be 3,223 medical workers serving the Beijing Olympics.

According to the results of the risk evaluation of public health in Beijing, two special precautionary bills, namely the Precautionary Measures for Public Health Crisis and the Precautionary Steps of Rescue Activities and Solutions to Public Health Emergencies have been issued. In addition, 30 precautionary bills, for instance, the Precautionary Measures to Prevent Pandemic Influenza, the Measures to Prevent Plague, and the Precautionary Measures to Protect Food Security, have also been approved.

Currently, Beijing municipality has in place:

• 162 emergency stations;

• 385 ambulances;

• 1,265 emergency medical staff in active operation;

• 115 pre-hospital emergency rescue teams of municipal level comprised of 976 staff engaged in such disciplines as burn, wound, infectious diseases, toxicosis and chemical pollutions, nuclear and radiation accidents and psychological intervention, and

• An emergency material reservation storehouse with material stored for 500 people has been established in the Beijing Emergency Center.

In addition, multi-functional large-scale medical safeguard emergency vehicles equipped with power generation system, oxygen provision system, emergency operation room and head lamp capable of ascending and descending flexibly with light radiation area of 200 square meters as well as rescue material enough for 100 patients are in place.

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