E&Y China names 13 entrepreneurs of the year

By Wang Ke
0 CommentsPrint E-mail China.org.cn, November 20, 2010
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Thirteen leaders from a range of Chinese industries, including green technology, health science and the media, were named Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young on Friday for their vision, leadership and achievements in business.

"These awards are given in recognition of their achievements in business, including making tough but successful decisions following the global financial crisis," said Albert Ng, Ernst & Young China chairman and Greater China managing partner, in Shanghai, where the awards were announced.

The winners represented a variety of industries, highlighting the vitality of the Chinese economy, Ng said.

Liu Jiren, one of the winners and chairman and CEO of Neusoft, said the awards are a reflection of the importance of entrepreneurs and the role they play as a key engine behind China’s rapid economic development.

"I feel happy and honored to receive this award," Liu said. "I think Chinese business leaders will act as torchbearers for entrepreneurial excellence."

"It is not by chance that China is now the world’s second largest economy," Ng said. "That’s why we are proud to support entrepreneurship, because we believe entrepreneurs can bring about positive change in business, industries and communities."

Ernst & Young began the Entrepreneur of the Year awards in 1986. They are now administered through regional, national and global awards programs in more than 140 cities in 50 countries.

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