Apax buys high-end Chinese restaurant chain

By He Shan
0 Comment(s)Print E-mail China.org.cn, July 27, 2011
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A restaurant of Golden Jaguar, a high-end restaurant chain featuring high-end buffet, in Wangfujin Street, Beijing.[CFP]

Apax buys high-end Chinese restaurant chain


Apax Partners, Europe's largest private equity firm, announced Tuesday it has acquired Golden Jaguar, a luxury buffet chain based in Shanghai, but declined to disclose details of the transaction. 昨日,欧洲最大的私募股权基金安佰深方面透露,其下属基金已收购以高档自助餐厅著称的金钱豹,但并未透露收购具体金额和股权比例。
The deal reflects the firm's optimistic view on China's food, beverage and catering industry. 此次收购基于他们持续看好中国食品、饮料和餐饮等消费行业。
Before acquiring Golden Jaguar, Apax also invested in SouFun Holdings Ltd., China's largest online real estate portal. 在此之前,安佰深在国内已投资了搜房网。
"Apax actively focuses on opportunities to capitalize on China's fast-growing economy and domestic consumption market," said Richard Zhang, a partner and president of Apax in the greater China region. "Golden Jaguar has a unique business model and performance, and it will expand into more Chinese cities over the next few years." 安佰深全球合伙人兼大中华区总裁张曦轲表示:“安佰深非常注重捕捉那些能够借助中国持续发展的经济以及内需而谋取巨大发展的零售及消费品领域的投资机会, 金钱豹拥有独具吸引力的商业模式及优秀的经营业绩。”他透露,未来几年金钱豹会将其经营范围拓展到全国各地。
Golden Jaguar, founded in 2003, has 18 restaurants in six cities, including Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin. The company reported profits last year of 40 million yuan on sales of 900 million yuan. 金钱豹于2003年10月首度以金钱豹国际美食百汇的经营模式登陆上海餐饮市场。据金钱豹官方网站资料,经营区域覆盖上海、北京、天津等城市,公开报道显示,目前金钱豹共有18家分店,2010年营收近9亿元,实现收益4000万元。
Industrial analysts say the deal will help Golden Jaguar with plans for a stock listing, a move it has sought since 2009.  金钱豹出售股权在业内引起不小震惊,因为从2009年起,金钱豹欲上市的消息就不断被媒体追逐。对于此次突然转变融资策略,有业内人士认为,金钱豹将部分股权出售给基金公司,有可能是“曲线上市”。
Media reports in March said the restaurant planned to raise US$200 million on the Hong Kong stock exchange in the second half of this year. 今年3月,有香港媒体报道,金钱豹集团计划今年下半年在港集资2亿美元(约15.6亿港元)。

     China's business press carried the story above on Wednesday.

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