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Lazy Residents Dry Quilts on Emperor Statue
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During China's peak tourist season, travelers are often asked to drop their bad habits like sitting on statues, but authorities in the northeastern city of Shenyang have a different problem - laundry.

Over the past fortnight, lazy residents in the northeastern city of Shenyang have been drying their dirty quilts on a statue of Nurhachi, the founder of the Qing Dynasty, which was the last feudal kingdom to rule China. Photo taken on Friday, June 22, 2007.

A number of residents have taken to drying their colorful quilts on a figure of Nurhachi, the founder of the Qing Dynasty which was the last feudal kingdom to rule China until it collapsed in 1911.

Statues of 12 generations of Qing emperors are a tourist attraction in Shenyang City, the Liaoshen Evening News reported.

(CRIENGLISH.com June 23, 2007)

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