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Flood Peak on Yangtze River Passes Wuhan Safely
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The biggest flood peak on the Yangtze River so far this year have safely passed central China's Wuhan City with a population of 8 million and went into its lower reaches, local flood control authorities said on Monday.

Water level in the Wuhan section of the Yangtze lowered to 26.03 meters at 8 a.m. Monday, down form the peak of 26.09 meters, the Wuhan flood control headquarters said. The flood crest arrived at the city on Saturday.

Water level in the Wuhan section will slowly fall in the next few days, while it is on the rise in Jiujiang and Datong on the lower reaches of the Yangtze, an official with the headquarters said.

But it was still too early for Wuhan to slacken flood control efforts as water level was still more than one meter above the safety level, he said.

The previous peak in the Yangtze passed Wuhan 10 days ago without causing flooding to the city.

(Xinhua News Agency August 6, 2007)

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