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GovĀ“t helps farmers with crop harvest
A government-run farm machinery company in Sichuan Province is helping farmers hit by the earthquake to harvest their crops. They're working hard to keep farmers' losses to a minimum.
Latest information on Sichuan quake
The latest figures from the Information Office of the State Council show more than 45 million people have now been affected by the Wenchuan earthquake.
China strengthens epidemic prevention in quake areas
China is stepping up efforts to strengthen epidemic prevention in the quake areas, health officials said at a press conference in Beijing on Tuesday.
Wu Bangguo visits Zipingpu dam
China's top legislator Wu Bangguo has visited the dam which could pose a threat to millions of residents in Sichuan Province. The Zipingpu dam is situated over the Yangtze River's main tributary the Minjiang River near Wenchuan County.
Swelling lake to be drained through giant sluice
Pressure in the Tangjiashan barrier lake continues to build, raising the potential for further disaster. Feverish, round the clock efforts are underway to build a giant sluice to drain the lake before it's too late.
Missing panda rescued after quake
A panda from the Giant Panda Protection and Research Center in Wolong that had been missing since the May 12th earthquake was recaptured on Monday.
900,000 tents expected to be produced by June 20th
The Ministry of Civil Affairs has signed contracts with seventy-five companies to produce 900,000 tents for the quake-hit areas. The task is now expected to finish by June 20th, ten days earlier than scheduled.
5,914 injured evacuated from quake zone
Nearly 6,000 of those injured in the quake have been taken from Sichuan for treatment in other provinces.
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