Full text of Human Rights Record of the United States in 2014

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2015-06-26

三、关于经济和社会权利III. On Economic and Social Rights
尽管2014年美国经济有所复苏,但是失业和贫困依然威胁民众的基本生存权,无家可归者生存状况持续恶化,不平等的分配结构导致收入和财产差距不断拉大,医疗和教育更倾向于服务富裕阶层,普通民众的健康权和受教育权得不到充分保障。Despite the gradual recovery of the U.S. economy in 2014, unemployment and poverty still threatened the basic right of survival for the U.S. people. The living conditions for homeless people continuously deteriorated; the income and property gaps caused by distribution inequality continued to enlarge; ordinary people's rights of health and education could not be well ensured as relative resources were more frequently used to serve the rich.
失业威胁民众基本生存权。据美国劳工统计局数据,2015年1月美国的失业率为5.7%,约900万人处于失业状态,其中280万人处于超过27周的长期失业状态,青年失业率上升,占失业总人口的18.8%。(52)2014年美国的失业率虽然有所下降,但有700万人只能找到兼职工作,比经济衰退开始时高出50%,且30%左右一年中至少有3个月处于失业状况。(53)失业迫使更多人不得不从事危险的岗位。美国劳工统计局的数据显示,2013年美国有734名合同工在工作中丧生,比2011年增加了35%。自2004年起,保护美国劳工法案不断提交国会,但一直未获通过。(54)Unemployment posed threat to people's basic right of survival. According to the figures released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the unemployment rate of the U.S. in January 2015 stood at 5.7 percent, with some nine million people jobless and 2.8 million of them having been unemployed for 27 weeks or longer. The unemployment rate for teenagers (18.8 percent) increased in January (www.bls.gov). Although overall U.S. unemployment has fallen in 2014, seven million Americans could only find part-time positions. The number of people working part-time involuntarily is more than 50 percent higher than when the recession began, and almost 30 percent of involuntary part-time workers were unemployed for at least three months in a year (money.cnn.com, November 20, 2014). The unemployment risk forced more people to work on dangerous positions. The BLS data showed that 734 contract workers were killed on the job in the U.S. in 2013, increasing by 35 percent from the 2011 number. A bill known as the Protecting America's Workers Act has been proposed in every Congress since 2004 but has never made it out of committee (www.wsws.org, October 15, 2014).
贫困率居高不下。研究显示,2013年有超过14.5%的美国人(约4,500万人)生活在贫困线以下,其中包括27.2%的非洲裔(约1,100万人)。大约42.5%的非洲裔单身妈妈家庭和14.6%的老年人(约650万人)生活在贫困中。(55)过高的贫困率导致了14%的美国人依赖食物救济。(56)在纽约,靠食物救助站和流动厨房来解决吃饭问题的人数在5年间增长了20万人,达到140万人,这相当于每5个纽约人中就有1人吃饭要靠慈善施舍。(57)佛罗里达州北部的17个县有32.2万人仍然靠食品救助站和食品救助项目来养活自己及家庭,其中29%是18岁以下的儿童。(58)2014年10月20日,联合国安全饮用水和卫生问题特别报告员和住房权问题特别报告员均对底特律市无力支付水费的家庭被大规模断水表示关切,认为这构成对享有饮用水和其他国际基本人权的侵犯。Poverty rate remained high. Research showed that over 14.5 percent of Americans (about 45 million) lived below the poverty line in 2013, of whom 27.2 percent were African Americans (about 11 million). About 42.5 percent of the African American single-mother families and 14.6 percent of people aged 65 and above (about 6.5 million) lived in poverty (www.huffingtonpost.com, September 16, 2014; seniorjournal.com, October 17, 2014). The high poverty rate left one in seven Americans relying on food pantries and meal service programs to feed themselves and their families (www.usatoday.com, August 17, 2014). Nearly one in five New Yorkers, 1.4 million people, relied on food pantries and soup kitchens across the city to eat. That represented an increase of 200,000 people in five years (The New York Daily News, March 17, 2014). An estimated 322,300 people in 17 Northeast Florida Counties turned to food pantries and meal service programs to feed themselves and their families, and 29 percent were children under age 18 (www.feedingnefl.org, August 27, 2014). On October 20, 2014, the Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation and Special Rapporteur on adequate housing of the United Nations voiced their concerns on the cutting-off of water supply for the families that could not pay the water bills in Detroit City, considering it a violation to the right of access to drinking water and other international basic human rights.
无家可归者基本生存状况恶化。据统计,美国无家可归的人数在2014年达到61万多人,包括有大量的小孩、青年及退伍军人。(59)据无家可归者联盟2014年11月发布的《纽约市无家可归者基本情况》,2014年9月,纽约市无家可归者的人数达到了58,056人,为20世纪30年代以来的最高点,其中包括24,631个儿童。(60)在华盛顿特区,大约有850个家庭在冬季仍然无家可归,比2013年度增加了16%。(61)然而,发布法令禁止留宿车辆的城市,从2011年的37个上升为2014年的81个。发布法令禁止在公共空间席地而坐或躺卧的城市,也从2011年的70个上升为2014年的100个。(62)根据无家可归者联盟的报告,已经有21个城市通过法律,禁止或限制在公共场合给无家可归者发放食物。(63)加利福尼亚州圣荷塞市号称是世界上最富裕的地区之一,但该市及周边的圣克拉拉县有大约7,600多名无家可归者。2014年12月初,圣荷塞市政府决定永久关闭无家可归者在该市一条小河岸边搭建的宿营地,在此居住的无家可归者表示“不知道下一步该怎么办”。(64)The basic living conditions for homeless people deteriorated. Statistics showed that the homeless population reached to over 610,000 in the U.S. in 2014, including high levels of child, youth and veteran homelessness (america.aljazeera.com, May 28, 2014). In recent years, homelessness in New York City has reached the highest levels since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The Basic facts about homelessness: New York City, released by the Coalition for the Homeless in November 2014 showed that in September 2014, there were an all-time record 58,056 homeless people, including 24,631 homeless children (www.coalitionforthethomeless.org). An estimated 850 families in Washington D.C. were projected to be homeless in the winter of 2014, a 16 percent increase from the year before (The Washington Post, October 14, 2014). However, the number of cities that prohibit sleeping in vehicles jumped from 37 in 2011 to 81 in 2014. The number that prohibit sitting or lying in public spaces increased from 70 in 2011 to 100 in 2014 (www.usatoday.com, July 16, 2014). In the U.S., 21 cities have managed to pass legislation banning or restricting organizations from sharing food with homeless populations in public places since January 2013 alone, according to a report by the National Coalition for the Homeless (www.theguardian.com, November 30, 2014). The city of San Jose in California is known as one of the world's most opulent locations, however, San Jose and the surrounding Santa Clara County estimated almost 7,600 homeless people in 2013. In early December 2014, city officials planned to begin shutting down the encampments built by the homeless people along a creek bed. The majority of the people have said they don't know what they're going to do (The Los Angeles Times, December 4, 2014).
收入不平等持续扩大。据报道,过去10年间,最富有的美国人的收入增长了86%,而其他所有人的收入只增长6%。(65)皮尤中心调查显示,将自己定义为中产阶级的人数比例从2008年的53%降到了2014年的44%。而那些将自己划分到下层或中下层的人数从2008年的25%上升到了2014年的40%。(66)2013年贫富收入差距几乎达到了过去80年中的最高值。(67)2014年有65%的美国民众认为收入不平等在持续扩大。(68)The income inequality has been continuously growing. Over the past decade, the incomes of the richest Americans have grown by 86 percent, while the incomes of everyone else have grown at just a little over six percent, according to media report (www.aljazeera.com, January 8, 2014). A Pew Research Center study showed that the percentage of people who classified themselves as middle class has shrunk to 44 percent in 2014 from 53 percent in 2008. At the same time, the study showed, those who classified themselves as lower- or lower-middle class has risen to 40 percent in 2014 vs. 25 percent in 2008 (www.usatoday.com, September 25, 2014). In 2013, the difference in income between the country's rich and poor was the highest in almost 80 years (www.washingtonpost.com, September 2, 2014). In 2014, 65 percent of all Americans believed inequality was growing (www.pewtrusts.org, June 11, 2014).
医疗服务系统未能广泛保障公民健康权。根据共同财富基金的调查,在11个同水平国家中,美国的医疗服务体系效率最低、最不公平、医疗产出最差,美国的死亡率和婴儿死亡率均为最高,60岁人群的健康状况最差。但与在上述其他国家生活的人相比,美国人民却要负担高出两倍的医疗费用。(69)The health care system was not able to widely protect citizens' right of health. According to Commonwealth Fund's latest findings, the U.S. health care system has the least efficient, least fair and worst health outcomes among the 11 peer nations surveyed. Americans have the highest death rate, the highest infant death rate and worst health at age 60. Yet Americans pay more than double what people in these other nations pay (edition.cnn.com, June 24, 2014).
数据显示,美国每年约有4,250万成年人(约占总成年人口的18.2%)遭受抑郁症、躁郁症、精神分裂症等精神疾病折磨。(70)370万患有严重精神疾病、心理困扰、物质滥用障碍的美国人没有医疗保险。(71)每13分钟就有一人自杀,每年有近4万人自杀,自杀成为15岁至34岁人群的第二大致死原因。(72)一方面是缺乏医疗保障;另一方面,自2010年以来,美国先后关闭了43个乡村医院。每个被关闭的医院所服务的居民大约有1万人,他们是社会最弱势的群体。(73)Statistics revealed that every year, about 42.5 million American adults (or 18.2 percent of the total adult population in the U.S.) suffer from some mental illness, enduring conditions such as depression, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia (www.newsweek.com, February 28, 2014). About 3.7 million Americans with serious mental illness, psychological distress or a substance abuse disorder are not covered by health insurance (www.pewtrusts.org, April 8, 2014). There's a suicide in the U.S. every 13 minutes. The nearly 40,000 American lives lost each year make suicide the second-leading killer for those aged 15-34 (The USA Today, October 10, 2014). Despite of the insufficient health care, since the beginning of 2010, 43 rural hospitals have closed, each serving about 10,000 people, who are the most vulnerable in the society (The USA Today, November 14, 2014).
普通民众的受教育权利得不到有效保障。新美国基金会的研究表明,2012年,69%的私立大学开出的学费金额,超过年收入在3万美元以下家庭的收入的一半。由于高额的学费,入学机会更多地分配给了那些富裕的人。(74)据统计,在当代美国年轻人中,受教育程度低于其父母的达到29%。在早期教育方面,经合组织国家参加教育项目的3岁儿童数量平均达到70%,而美国只有38%。(75)The right to education of average people was not effectively protected. A study by the New America Foundation found that 69 percent of private colleges asked students whose families earned $30,000 or less to turn over half that income for tuition in 2012. College access opportunities were limited only to those who are rich enough to afford it due to high tuition fees (www.businessweek.com, September 18, 2014). Statistics showed that currently 29 percent of the young Americans have less education than their parents. Across the O.E.C.D, an average of 70 percent of three-year-olds are enrolled in education programs, while in the U.S., it's 38 percent (cn.nytimes.com, October 29, 2014).

注(52) 美国劳工局2015年1月就业状况统计(http://www.bls.gov)。

注(53) 美国有线电视新闻网财经频道网站(money.cnn.com),2014年11月20日。

注(54) 世界社会主义网站(www.wsws.org),2014年10月15日。

注(55) 《赫芬顿邮报》网站(www.huffingtonpost.com),2014年9月16日;老年人新闻和信息网(seniorjournal.com),2014年10月17日。

注(56) 《今日美国》网站(www.usatoday.com),2014年8月17日。

注(57) 《纽约每日新闻》,2014年3月17日。

注(58) Feeding Northeast Florida网站(www.feedingnefl.org),2014年8月27日。

注(59) 半岛电视台美国频道网站(america.aljazeera.com),2014年5月28日。

注(60) 无家可归者联盟网站(www.coalitionforthehomeless.org)。

注(61) 《华盛顿邮报》,2014年10月14日。

注(62) 《今日美国》网站(www.usatoday.com),2014年7月16日。

注(63) 英国《卫报》网站(www.theguardian.com),2014年11月30日。

注(64) 《洛杉矶时报》,2014年12月4日。

注(65) 半岛电视台网站(www.aljazeera.com),2014年1月8日。

注(66) 《今日美国》网站(www.usatoday.com),2014年9月25日。

注(67) 《华盛顿邮报》网站(www.washingtonpost.com),2014年9月2日。

注(68) 皮尤中心网站(www.pewtrusts.org),2014年6月11日。

注(69) 美国有线电视新闻网网站(edition.cnn.com),2014年6月24日。

注(70) 《新闻周刊》网站(www.newsweek.com),2014年2月28日。

注(71) 皮尤中心网站(www.pewtrusts.org),2014年4月8日。

注(72) 《今日美国》,2014年10月10日。

注(73) 《今日美国》,2014年11月14日。

注(74) 美国《商务周刊》网站(www.businessweek.com),2014年9月18日。


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