Full text: Remarks by Xi Jinping at the Informal BRICS Leaders Meeting

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2015-11-19

11月15日,金砖国家领导人非正式会晤在土耳其安塔利亚举行。中国国家主席习近平在会上发表题为《开拓机遇应对挑战》的重要讲话。[新华社 饶爱民 摄]
Chinese President Xi Jinping speaks at a BRICS leaders' meeting held in Antalya, Turkey, Nov. 15, 2015. [Rao Aimin/Xinhua]
金砖国家领导人非正式会晤15日在土耳其安塔利亚举行。国家主席习近平发表题为《开拓机遇应对挑战》的重要讲话。讲话全文如下:Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech at a BRICS leaders' meeting held in Antalya, Turkey, on Nov. 15, 2015. Following is the full text:

开拓机遇 应对挑战
中华人民共和国主席 习近平

Expand Opportunities and Meet Challenges Together
-- Remarks by H.E. Xi Jinping
President of the People's Republic of China
At the Informal BRICS Leaders Meeting
Antalya, 15 November 2015

Your Excellency President Vladimir Putin,
Your Excellency Prime Minister Narendra Modi,
Your Excellency President Jacob Zuma,
Your Excellency President Dilma Rousseff,
Dear Colleagues,
很高兴再次见到各位同事。感谢普京总统主持今天的会晤。乌法会晤后,我们五国积极落实各项成果,加强相互沟通和协调,共同推动金砖国家合作取得了新进展。It is a great pleasure to join you again. I wish to thank President Putin for hosting today's meeting. After the Ufa summit, we the five BRICS countries have followed through on the outcomes, enhanced communication and coordination and made new progress in BRICS cooperation through joint efforts.
同时,国际形势发生新变化,世界经济复苏缓慢,地缘政治问题较前突出,全球性挑战不时涌现。在这个大背景下,金砖国家发展也面临一些新情况。一是外部环境中复杂和困难因素增多,全球总需求不足,各国宏观经济政策分化加剧,世界经济增长不确定性加大。二是受内外因素影响,金砖国家经济增长普遍放缓,发展进入调整期。三是国际上唱衰金砖国家的声音并未停止。Meanwhile, new developments have taken place in the international situation. Global economic recovery is slow, geopolitical issues are getting more prominent and challenges of a global scale have kept emerging. In this context, BRICS countries are faced with some new conditions for their development. First, the growing complexities and difficulties in the external environment. This is seen in the insufficient global demand, the increasingly divergent macroeconomic policies of individual countries, and the growing uncertainties facing global economic growth. Second, due to both domestic and external factors, BRICS countries are experiencing an economic slowdown, with development entering a phase of adjustment. Third, there has been continued talk of pessimism regarding BRICS countries' development.
真金不怕火炼。伙伴的意义和价值,不仅在于顺境中共襄盛举,更在于逆境时携手前行。只要我们坚定信心、加强协调,我们的合作就一定能乘风破浪、穿云破雾,让世界对金砖国家的成色有新的认识。Yet, as the saying goes, real gold does not fear the test of fire. True partnership is not just about celebrating success together. It is more about standing together in time of adversity. As long as we remain firm in our determination and enhance coordination, we will rise above challenges and overcome difficulties. We will prove to the world that BRICS cooperation delivers real shining gold.
对金砖国家更好发挥作用,我愿提出以下建议。I want to use today's opportunity to offer you the following lines of thought on how BRICS countries could play a greater role by working together.
(一)塑造有利外部发展环境,共同完善全球经济治理。近期,各国股市汇市及全球能源资源价格波动成因复杂,是国际金融危机深层次影响的传导效应。First, we need to cultivate a favorable external environment for development and jointly improve global economic governance. The recent volatility in the stock markets and foreign exchange markets as well as the fluctuating prices of energy and resources worldwide are attributable to complex causes. They are the result of the lingering impacts of the global financial crisis.
我们应该引导各方对金砖国家发展形成合理预期。要看到金砖国家经济增速虽然有所放缓,但新兴市场国家对世界经济增长的贡献超过50%,仍然是世界经济增长的重要引擎。展望未来,全球经济复苏仍然需要新兴市场国家提供后劲和动力。我们应该在二十国集团框架内加强合作,推动各方加大宏观经济政策协调力度,重点防范短期金融风险,避免货币战、贸易战。同时,我们也要未雨绸缪,加快推进金砖国家新开发银行和应急储备安排的机制建设,共同维护国际金融稳定。It is important that parties concerned form a sensible expectation for BRICS development. The economy of BRICS countries may have slowed down, but emerging economies contribute to over half of the growth of the global economy and remain its main engine. Going forward, world economic recovery won't be sustained without the support of emerging economies as the propeller and driving force. BRICS countries need to step up collaboration within the G20. We need to encourage greater macroeconomic policy coordination among parties concerned, with emphasis being given to preventing short-term financial risks to avert a currency war or a trade war. At the same time, we also need to improve financial preparedness by building up such mechanisms as the New Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement to increase our capacity to ensure, together with other countries, global financial stability.
我们应该加强在国际货币基金组织、世界银行、世界贸易组织等机制内的协调和配合,着力提升发展中国家和新兴市场国家在国际治理体系中的代表性和发言权。日前,国际货币基金组织已经完成特别提款权审查报告,明确指出人民币满足可自由使用标准,建议将人民币纳入特别提款权货币篮子。中方对此表示欢迎,也期待金砖国家继续支持人民币“入篮”。这有利于完善国际货币体系,维护全球金融稳定,将是一个共赢的结果。BRICS countries also need to strengthen coordination and collaboration within the IMF, the World Bank, the WTO and other international institutions. This way, we could increase the representation and voice of developing countries as well as emerging markets in global governance. The IMF has just completed the SDR review report, which recognized the RMB as a "freely usable" currency and suggested the inclusion of the RMB in the SDR currency basket. China welcomes it and hopes to receive continued support from the BRICS countries for adding the RMB into the SDR basket. This serves the interests of all parties as it will help improve the international monetary system and uphold global financial stability.
(二)就重大国际和地区问题发声,共同应对各种全球性挑战。当今世界仍然不太平,地区冲突和热点问题远未解决,恐怖主义带来的危害更加突出。发生在巴黎的系列恐怖袭击事件再次表明,恐怖势力的能量和危害不容低估,恐怖主义已成为我们当前面临的最严峻和急迫的安全挑战。国际社会必须携起手来,按照联合国宪章宗旨和原则以及其他公认的国际关系基本准则,进一步加强反恐合作,特别要注重标本兼治,不搞双重标准。金砖国家应该在反恐经验交流、情报分享、线索核查、执法合作等领域开展广泛合作。Second, we need to make our voice heard on major international and regional issues and jointly tackle global challenges. The world today is not tranquil. Regional conflicts and flash-points need to be addressed. Terrorism is wreaking greater havoc. The terrorist attacks in Paris are yet another reminder that the impact and danger of terrorism are not to be underestimated and that terrorism has become the most serious and pressing security challenge for us. The international community must join forces, adhere to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and other basic norms governing international relations, and reinforce counter-terrorism cooperation. It is especially important to address both the symptoms and root causes of terrorism and reject double standards. BRICS countries need to conduct extensive cooperation in experience and intelligence sharing, in following leads on terrorism, and in law enforcement.
当前,欧洲难民问题突出,其根源在于地区不稳定和发展不平衡,解决的出路在于谋求和平、实现发展。近期,有关各方接连召开了两次叙利亚问题外长会议,在实现全面停火、启动政治进程、成立过渡管理机制、举行大选等方面达成了不少重要共识。我们要抓好落实,在联合国主持下,开启政治过渡进程,保持这一来之不易的势头。The ongoing refugee problem in Europe stems from regional instability and uneven development. The way out of it is through peace and development. Recently, relevant parties have had two foreign ministers' meetings on Syria in quick succession, reaching quite a few important consensus on such issues as having a comprehensive ceasefire, launching a political process, setting up a transitional governing body and holding a general election. We must follow up on these consensus and get the political transition started under the auspices of the United Nations in order to sustain this hard-won momentum.
(三)推动互利共赢的国际发展合作,共同倡导新型全球发展伙伴关系。今年是国际发展年。两个月前,我同各位同事一道出席了联合国发展峰会。我感到很多发展中国家关心金砖国家合作,期待金砖国家在发展问题和南南合作方面发挥作用。Third, we need to push forward win-win international cooperation on development and jointly advocate a new model of international development partnership. This year marks the Year of International Development. Two months ago, all of us attended the UN Sustainable Development Summit. I noted that many developing countries are interested in BRICS cooperation. They hope that BRICS countries could play a due role in addressing the development issue and in facilitating South-South cooperation.
我们应该同广大发展中国家一道,推动发达国家兑现承诺、履行义务,为建立更加多元开放、务实有效的新型全球发展伙伴关系而努力。我们应该结合落实2030年可持续发展议程,同发展中国家交流发展理念,分享发展经验,深化南南合作。我们不但要做执行2030年可持续发展议程的领跑者,而且要帮助其他发展中国家落实议程。So we need to join other developing countries to push developed countries to deliver on their development pledges and honor their obligations, and make joint efforts to foster a new model of global development partnership that is more diverse, open, effective and results-oriented. Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides an opportunity for us to exchange ideas and share best practices with other developing countries on development, so as to deepen South-South cooperation. BRICS countries may lead efforts for implementing the 2030 Agenda. Meanwhile, we may help other developing countries with their implementation endeavor.
(四)携手推进经济优化升级,共同实现长远发展。金砖国家正在相继进入中等收入国家行列,面临着相同或相似的任务。我们的发展模式要从依靠要素投入向依靠劳动生产率提高转变,发展理念要从侧重速度向注重质量和效益转变,经济结构要从相对单一向均衡合理转变,经济增长要从主要依靠出口向扩大内需转变。这四大转变为我们提供了新的合作空间和合作机遇。我们应该结合落实乌法会晤通过的金砖国家经济伙伴战略,携手打造利益共享的价值链和大市场。Fourth, we need to work hand in hand to advance economic upgrading and jointly realize long-term development. BRICS countries have more or less entered the rank of middle-income countries and face the same or similar mission for development. We need to shift our development model from one that relies on investing in production factors to one relying on greater labor productivity. Our development philosophy should no longer focus on speed but more on quality and efficiency. Our economic structure should be more balanced and supported by multiple pillars instead of a single pillar. And our growth should shift away from its dependence on export and be driven more by domestic demand. These four major shifts will provide us with new space and opportunities for cooperation. We need to follow through on the BRICS economic partnership strategy previously adopted at the Ufa summit to put in place a value chain and a greater market of shared interests of BRICS countries.
伴随结构调整和改革深化,中国越来越成为消费品市场和产能、资本输出国。我们希望同其他金砖国家共享发展机遇,提高经济合作水平。China is in a process of economic restructuring and deepening reforms. It is increasingly becoming a market of consumer goods and an exporter of production capacity and capital. China stands ready to share development opportunities with other BRICS countries to raise the level of BRICS economic cooperation.
各位同事!Dear Colleagues,
二十国集团领导人安塔利亚峰会是当今世界格局和形势下一次非常重要的会议,我们要相互支持和呼应,进一步推动二十国集团从危机应对机制向长效治理机制转变,既注重周期性政策,也同步推动结构性改革。要建设开放型世界经济,反对贸易保护主义。要推动各方均采取负责任的宏观经济政策,力避负面外溢效应,共同扩大全球总需求。This G20 Antalya Summit is very important given the current international landscape and circumstances. We BRICS countries need to support and collaborate with each other and further facilitate a shift of the G20 from a mere crisis-response mechanism to a long-term governance mechanism that focuses on cyclical policies and parallel structural reforms. We need to promote an open global economy and stand against trade protectionism. We need to urge parties concerned to adopt macroeconomic policies that are truly responsible to avoid negative spillovers of these policies and jointly expand aggregate global demand.
中国将于明年举办二十国集团领导人第十一次峰会。中方感谢金砖成员国对中国办会的宝贵支持,将主办明年二十国集团领导人峰会视为推动金砖国家合作的重要机遇。China will play host to the 11th G20 Summit next year. China appreciates the valuable support given by other BRICS countries and sees the event as a major opportunity to advance BRICS cooperation.
明年,印度也将接任金砖国家主席国,中方会全力支持印方主办好明年金砖国家领导人会晤。希望这两场重要活动能够相互呼应,相得益彰,共同在新形势下为推动世界经济发展和深化金砖国家合作作出贡献。Also next year, India will assume the BRICS presidency, and China will give India its full support in hosting the BRICS leaders meeting. I hope these two major events will reinforce each other and that by working together, we could contribute our fair share to global economic growth and enhanced BRICS cooperation under new circumstances.
谢谢大家。Thank you.


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