Full Text: China's second Africa policy paper

Comment(s)打印 E-mail 2015-12-07

当地时间12月4日,中国政府在约翰内斯堡发表《中国对非洲政策文件》,全文如下:The Chinese government released its second Africa policy paper in Johannesburg, South Africa, on Dec. 4, 2015. The full text of the policy paper is as follows:


China's second Africa policy paper
December 2015


The Chinese Government published its first Africa policy paper in 2006. Over the past decade, the policy has been carried out fully and effectively, playing an important guiding role in the all-round development of China-Africa relations. This year marks the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). The Second FOCAC Summit will be held in South Africa in December. As the first China-Africa summit to be hosted on the African continent, it will be a landmark event conducive to strengthening China-Africa unity and spearheading China-Africa cooperation.

Against this backdrop, the Chinese government wishes, with release of its second Africa policy paper, to further clarify China's determination and goodwill to develop friendly and cooperative relations with Africa and expound the new vision, approach and measures of China's Africa policy under the new circumstances with the aim of guiding the multi-faceted exchanges and cooperation between China and Africa in the years to come.

第一部分 建立和发展中非全面战略合作伙伴关系,巩固和夯实中非命运共同体Part I. Establishing and Developing Comprehensive Strategic and Cooperative China-Africa Partnership and Consolidating and Bolstering the Community of Shared Future between China and Africa
中非从来都是命运共同体。半个多世纪以来,无论国际风云如何变幻,中非始终是风雨同舟的好朋友、休戚与共的好伙伴、肝胆相照的好兄弟。中非传统友好深得人心,已成为中非双方的宝贵财富。长期以来,中非双方坚持真诚友好、平等相待,这是中非关系历久弥坚的精神内核。新形势下,中非双方将在此基础上,致力于合作共赢、共同发展,为中非关系赋予新的内涵,注入不竭动力。China and Africa have always belonged to a community of shared future. Over the past five decades and more, they have always been good friends who stand together through thick and thin, good partners who share weal and woe, and good brothers who fully trust each other despite changes in the international landscape. The traditional friendship between China and Africa is deeply rooted in people's minds and has become an invaluable asset for both. China and Africa have long valued sincerity, friendship and equality, which constitute the underlying rationale for China-Africa relations to grow stronger with time. Based on this tradition, China and Africa will be committed to mutually beneficial cooperation and common development under the new circumstances, adding new substance and injecting inexhaustible impetus to China-Africa relations.
2006年中国政府提出中非建立和发展政治上平等互信、经济上合作共赢、文化上交流互鉴的新型战略伙伴关系。10年来,双方共同制订并落实了一系列深化中非合作的重大举措,极大地促进了中非各领域友好合作关系快速发展。中非政治互信进一步增强,在国际和地区事务中协调与配合更加紧密。中非务实合作成果丰硕。中国自2009年起成为非洲第一大贸易伙伴国,2014年中国对非贸易额增至2006年的4倍。中非人文交流快速增长,中非人员往来每年近300万人次,中非友好的社会和民意基础进一步扩大。中非交往与合作的广度和深度前所未有,中国对非洲经济发展的贡献率显著提升。In 2006, the Chinese government proposed a new type of China-Africa strategic partnership featuring political equality and mutual trust, economic win-win cooperation and cultural exchange. In the past decade, China and Africa jointly formulated and implemented a series of major measures to deepen cooperation, which greatly promoted the rapid development of their friendly and cooperative ties across the board. Political mutual trust between China and Africa has been strengthened. Their coordination and cooperation in international and regional affairs have become closer. Their pragmatic cooperation has borne abundant fruit. China has been Africa's largest trading partner since 2009. In 2014, China's trade volume with Africa rose to four times that of 2006. People-to-people and cultural exchanges have flourished with nearly 3 million visits made between China and Africa every year, garnering greater social and popular support for China-Africa friendship. The scope and depth of China-Africa exchanges and cooperation has been unprecedented. China's contribution to Africa's economic growth has significantly increased.
10年来,中非各自情况发生很大变化,肩负着新的发展使命。中国正在按照全面建成小康社会、全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党的战略布局,为实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标和中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而奋斗。非洲正在积极谋求加快工业化和现代化进程,朝着《2063年议程》描绘的美好梦想前行。中国梦与非洲梦都是为了让人民过上更加美好的幸福生活。Tremendous changes have taken place in China and Africa in the past decade, with both shouldering new development tasks. China is striving to achieve the "two centenary goals" and realize the Chinese dream of great national renewal in accordance with the strategy of completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, comprehensively deepening reform, advancing law-based governance and applying strict party discipline. Africa is committed to accelerating its industrialization and modernization and forging ahead to fulfill the dreams outlined in Agenda 2063. Both the Chinese dream and the African dream aim to enable people to live a more prosperous and happier life.
中非发展战略高度契合,中非合作发展互有需要、互有优势,合作共赢、共同发展迎来了难得的历史性机遇。中国发展经验、适用技术、资金、市场等相对优势,有助于非洲破除基础设施不足和人才不足两大制约发展的瓶颈,有助于非洲把丰富的自然、人力资源优势和潜能转化为发展动力和惠及民生的成果,加速工业化和农业现代化进程,更好地实现经济独立和自主可持续发展,更好地实现持久和平与稳定。The development strategies of China and Africa are highly compatible. Given their respective strengths, China and Africa need each other for cooperation and development. Rare historic opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation and common development have emerged. China's comparative advantages in development experience, applied technology, funds and market can help Africa overcome the two major bottlenecks constraining its development -- backward infrastructure and inadequate professional and skilled personnel. They can also help Africa translate its natural and human resources advantages and potential into a driving force for development and benefits for people's livelihoods, thereby speeding up industrialization and agricultural modernization, and doing a better job in pursuing economic independence as well as self-reliant and sustainable development and achieving lasting peace and stability.
10年来,国际形势发生很大变化。世界多极化进一步发展,新兴市场国家和发展中国家快速发展已成为不可阻挡的历史潮流,是维护世界和平、促进共同发展的重要力量。联合国已通过2030年可持续发展议程,各国都面临实现包容、可持续发展的重要任务。非洲已成为全球经济增长最快和最具发展潜力的大陆之一,是世界政治舞台上的重要一极,全球经济增长新的一极,人类文明的多彩一极。中国已成长为全球第二大经济体,是现行国际体系的重要参与者、建设者、贡献者。中国同非洲等广大发展中国家需要进一步增强在国际事务中的代表性和发言权。中非双方应充分发挥政治互信和经济互补两大优势,推动中非合作全面发展,加强南南合作,促进南北合作,为构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系树立样板。The international situation has undergone dramatic changes over the past decade. The transition to a multi-polar world has gained momentum. The rapid development of emerging markets and developing countries has become an irresistible trend in history, making them a pivotal force for safeguarding world peace and promoting common development. The UN has adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, mandating the realization of inclusive and sustainable development in all countries. Africa has become one of the continents with the fastest economic growth and greatest development potential. It is an important player on the stage of world politics, a new growth pole for the global economy and a center of human civilization with diverse cultures. China has risen to become the world's second largest economy. It is an active player in the current international system that has helped build it and contributed to it. The current global governance system, however, has yet to fully accommodate the changes. There is a need to increase the representation and voice of developing countries including China and African nations in international affairs. China and Africa should make the most of their advantages in political mutual trust and economic complementarity to push for the all-round development of China-Africa cooperation, strengthen South-South cooperation, promote North-South cooperation, and set a good example for the development of a new model of international relations centered on mutually beneficial cooperation.
当前,中非关系已经站在新的历史起点上。共同的发展任务、高度契合的战略利益、合作共赢的广阔前景,使中非人民更加坚定地并肩跨步前行。中国愿同非洲国家一道,在传承与发扬中非传统友好的基础上,建立和发展政治上平等互信、经济上合作共赢、文明上交流互鉴、安全上守望相助、国际事务中团结协作的全面战略合作伙伴关系,促进中非友好合作全面发展,共同发展、共圆梦想,共同为中非人民创造更多福祉,为世界的和平稳定与发展繁荣作出更大贡献。China-Africa relations have now reached a new historical starting point. Given their shared development tasks, highly compatible strategic interests, and broad prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation, the Chinese and African people will advance side by side with an ever-growing sense of purpose. China is willing to work with African countries to build and develop a China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership featuring political equality and mutual trust, win-win economic cooperation, mutually enriching cultural exchanges, mutual assistance in security, and solidarity and coordination in international affairs. China is devoted, as are African nations, to promoting an all-round development of China-Africa friendly cooperation, working together to pursue development and fulfill dreams, jointly delivering more benefits to Chinese and African people, and making greater contributions to world peace, stability, development and prosperity.
第二部分 坚持正确义利观,践行真实亲诚对非工作方针Part II. Upholding the Values of Friendship, Justice and Shared Interests and Adhering to the Principles of Sincerity, Practical Results, Affinity and Good Faith
加强同非洲国家的团结与合作始终是中国独立自主和平外交政策的重要基石,是中国长期坚定的战略选择。新形势下,中国将秉持真实亲诚对非政策方针和正确义利观,推动中非友好互利合作实现新的跨越式发展。Enhancing solidarity and cooperation with African countries has always been the cornerstone of China's independent foreign policy of peace, as well as China's firm and longstanding strategic choice. Under the new circumstances, China will adhere to the principles of its Africa policy -- sincerity, practical results, affinity and good faith, uphold the values of friendship, justice and shared interests, and push for new leapfrog growth of its friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation with Africa.
“真”,即平等互信、团结互助,永远做非洲的最可靠朋友和真诚伙伴。中国尊重非洲国家自主选择发展道路,尊重非洲国家推动经济社会发展、改善人民生活的实践和努力,愿在平等自愿基础上同非洲开展治国理政经验交流,促进双方对彼此政治制度和发展道路的了解、认同和借鉴。中国一贯真诚支持非洲发展,不干涉非洲国家内政,不把自己的意志强加于非方,对非援助不附加任何政治条件。在涉及彼此核心利益和重大关切的问题上,与非方加强沟通协调,相互理解、相互支持,维护共同利益。"Sincerity" means China insists on the principles of equality, mutual trust, solidarity and mutual support, and will always be Africa's most trustworthy friend and sincere partner. China respects African countries' independent choice of the way to development as well as their practices and efforts to promote economic and social development and improve people's living standard. It stands ready to exchange governance experience with African countries on the basis of equality and voluntarism, and promote mutual understanding and acceptance of and learning from each other's political system and development path. China has always sincerely supported Africa's development. It never interferes in African countries' internal affairs, never imposes its will on them, and attaches no political strings when providing aid to Africa. On issues involving each other's core interests and major concerns, China will enhance communication and coordination, mutual understanding and mutual support with African countries, and safeguard the common interests of both.
“实”,即务实高效、合作共赢,秉持言必信、行必果的理念,不折不扣落实对非互利合作方针和举措,在支持非洲实现自主发展的过程中实现中非共同发展。中国愿本着“筑巢引凤”、“授人以渔”理念,坚定支持非洲国家致力于基础设施建设和人力资源开发,帮助非洲破除长期制约发展的两大瓶颈,积极开展产业对接和产能合作,助力非洲工业化和农业现代化进程。坚持以发展促和平,以和平谋发展,坚定支持非洲致力于自主可持续发展和“以非洲方式解决非洲问题”,在地区热点问题上发挥更大建设性作用。"Practical results" means that China aims to achieve practical and efficient results, seeks cooperation and mutual benefits, upholds the principle of honoring commitments with real actions and results, implements the guidelines and measures for mutually beneficial cooperation with Africa to the letter, and strives to realize the common development of China and Africa while helping Africa achieve independent development. Adhering to the traditional Chinese philosophy of "building a nest to attract the phoenix and teaching people how to fish," China will support African countries' efforts in infrastructure and human resources development to help them overcome these two major bottlenecks that have long been constraining Africa's development, and promote China-Africa industrial alignment and capacity cooperation to facilitate Africa's industrialization and agricultural modernization. China will adhere to the idea of pursuing peace through development and promoting development by maintaining peace, and support Africa's efforts to seek independent and sustainable development, resolve African issues in an African way, and play a more constructive role in regional hotspot issues.
“亲”,即人心相通、和谐共处,推动中非文明互鉴,促进思想融通、政策贯通、民心沟通,为中非友好提供坚实的民意和社会基础。加强中非在科教文卫等社会人文领域的交流与合作,扩大民间交往,促进智库、高校、媒体交流,支持地方往来与合作,鼓励各自在对方国家和地区的人员与当地人民和睦相处,共存共荣。中国政府鼓励在非企业和公民进一步关心当地福祉,积极回馈当地社会;努力为非洲人在华工作、学习和生活营造良好氛围,不断扩大和夯实中非友好的社会基础。"Affinity" means the hearts of Chinese and African people are connected, and they will live together in harmony, promote inter-cultural dialogue, and enhance exchanges of ideas, policy alignment and mutual understanding to provide a solid popular and social basis for China-Africa friendship. China will strengthen exchanges and cooperation with Africa in education, science, culture, health and other social and cultural fields, expand exchanges between Chinese and African people, increase think tank, university and media exchanges, and support sub-national contacts and cooperation. Chinese and African employees working on each other's soil will be encouraged to get along well with local people, and seek coexistence and common prosperity. The Chinese government encourages Chinese enterprises and citizens in Africa to care more about the well-being of local people and repay local society, create a good environment for the Africans working, studying and living in China, and constantly extend and consolidate the social basis of China-Africa friendship.
“诚”,即以诚相待、妥善解决问题,坚持从战略高度和长远角度看待和推进中非关系,共同为中非友好互利合作营造良好的环境。中方愿与非方加强政策协调和沟通,本着相互尊重、合作共赢的原则,通过平等友好协商,坦诚面对并妥善处理中非合作中出现的新情况、新问题,使双方都能从真诚友好和互利合作中受益。"Good faith" means China cherishes good faith and settlement of problems in an appropriate manner. It views and promotes China-Africa relations from strategic and long-term perspectives, and seeks joint efforts with Africa to create a good environment for friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation. China stands ready to strengthen policy coordination and communication with African countries, adheres to the principles of mutual respect and win-win cooperation, faces squarely and sincerely the new developments and problems confronting their relations through equal and friendly coordination, and ensures that both sides benefit from sincere, friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation.
正确义利观是中国对发展中国家外交的一面旗帜,讲求的是义利相兼、以义为先、情义为重,核心要义是把帮助非洲等发展中国家实现自主可持续发展同促进中国自身的发展紧密结合起来,实现合作共赢、共同发展,推动世界更加均衡、包容和可持续发展。中国开展对非合作绝不走过去殖民者的老路,绝不以牺牲非洲的自然生态环境和长远利益为代价。Upholding the values of friendship, justice and shared interests is a hallmark of China's policy toward other developing countries. While valuing friendship and justice as well as shared interests, China places more importance on the former. The core principle is to connect assistance to developing countries, including those in Africa, for their independent and sustainable development with China's own development, achieve win-win cooperation and common development, and promote more balanced, inclusive and sustainable development of the world at large. China will never repeat the past colonial way in its cooperation with Africa and never pursue development at the cost of Africa's natural and ecological environment or long-term interests.
支持和帮助非洲国家实现自主可持续发展不仅符合非洲人民的利益,也符合全世界人民的利益,是国际社会的共同责任。中国开展对非合作始终尊重和维护非洲国家和人民的根本利益,秉持公道,为非洲伸张正义;坚持互利共赢,真心诚意支持和帮助非洲实现和平、稳定与发展。Providing support and assistance to African countries for their independent and sustainable development conforms to the interests of both African people and the people of the entire world, and is the common responsibility of the international community. While engaging in cooperation with Africa, China always respects and protects the fundamental interests of African countries and their people, upholds fairness and seeks justice for Africa. It also pursues mutual benefit and win-win results, and sincerely supports and assists Africa in its efforts to realize peace, stability and development.
一个中国原则是中国同非洲国家及地区组织建立和发展关系的政治前提和基础。中国政府赞赏非洲国家恪守一个中国原则,支持中国统一大业,不同台湾发展官方关系和官方往来。中方坚持在和平共处五项基本原则基础上全面发展同非洲各国的友好合作。The one-China principle is the political precondition and foundation for the establishment and development of China's relations with African countries and regional organizations. The Chinese government appreciates the fact that African countries abide by the one-China principle, support China's reunification, and refuse to have official relations and contacts with Taiwan. China is committed to developing friendly cooperation in an all-round way with all African countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.
中国赞赏国际社会采取建设性行动、支持和帮助非洲实现持久和平与可持续发展的努力,愿本着“非洲提出、非洲同意、非洲主导”原则,以积极、开放、包容的态度同其他国家及国际和地区组织加强协调与合作,在非洲探讨开展三方和多方合作,共同为非洲实现和平、稳定、发展作出贡献。China appreciates the constructive actions of the international community to support and assist Africa in realizing lasting peace and sustainable development. It will strengthen coordination and cooperation with other countries as well as international and regional organizations on the basis of the "Africa-proposed, Africa-agreed and Africa-led" principle and with an active, open and inclusive attitude. China will explore tripartite and multilateral cooperation in Africa so as to jointly contribute to peace, stability and development on the continent.
第三部分 推动中非合作全面发展Part III. Promoting the All-Round Development of China-Africa Cooperation
(一)增强政治互信1. Enhancing political mutual trust
1、密切高层交往(1) Intensifying high-level exchanges
发挥高层交往的政治引领作用,保持中非领导人频繁互访和对话势头,就双边关系和共同关心的重大问题加强沟通,巩固传统友谊、增强政治互信,在涉及彼此核心利益和重大关切问题上相互理解、相互支持,维护共同利益,共谋发展,深化合作,为双边和中非关系发展提供强有力政治保障。While bringing into play the role of high-level exchanges in providing political guidance, China will maintain the momentum of frequent mutual visits and dialogue between Chinese and African leaders, with a view to facilitating communication on bilateral relations and major issues of common interest, solidifying traditional friendship, and bolstering political mutual trust. China advocates mutual understanding and support on issues involving their respective core interests and major concerns. It calls for safeguarding shared interests, pursuing development together, and deepening cooperation. All these aim to lay a solid political groundwork for the development of bilateral relations between China and individual African countries as well as the overall China-Africa relationship.
2、加强治国理政经验交流(2) Boosting experience sharing in governance
相互尊重和支持对方探索和完善符合自身国情的发展道路和政治制度。中方愿同非洲国家积极开展形式多样的经验交流活动,本着平等交流、相互借鉴、共同进步的原则,从各自文明和发展实践中汲取智慧,加强国家治理经验交流,促进共同发展。China is of the view that countries should respect and support each other's efforts to explore and improve development paths and political systems suited to their national conditions. It is ready to engage in a variety of experience-sharing programs with African countries. Through these programs, they will draw wisdom from each other's civilizations and development practices, increase exchanges of governance experience, and promote common development in accordance with the principles of communication on an equal footing, mutual learning, and shared progress.
3、完善政府间磋商与合作机制(3) Improving intergovernmental consultation and cooperation mechanisms
充分发挥中国同非洲国家之间外交部政治磋商、经贸合作联(混)合委员会和高层级经贸合作机制、科技混合委员会等双边机制的统筹协调作用,进一步丰富和完善政府间对话与磋商机制,促进中非政府间对话与合作。China will make the most of the coordinating role of bilateral mechanisms such as political consultations between foreign ministries, joint (mixed) committees on trade and economic cooperation and high-level economic and trade cooperation mechanisms, and mixed committees on science and technology. It will further diversify and improve intergovernmental dialogue and consultation mechanisms to promote China-Africa intergovernmental dialogue and cooperation.
4、促进立法机构、协商机构、政党、军队、地方政府等各领域交往(4) Promoting exchanges in various sectors including those between legislative bodies, consultative bodies, political parties, the military and local governments
秉持相互尊重、加深了解、发展合作的宗旨,加强中国全国人民代表大会同非洲各国议会及泛非议会等组织多层次、多渠道、多形式、全方位的友好交往,不断丰富中非全面战略合作伙伴关系的内涵。In keeping with the purpose of deepening understanding and cooperation with mutual respect, China favors increased multi-level, multi-channel, multi-form and all-dimensional friendly exchanges between the National People's Congress of China and organizations such as the parliaments of African countries and the Pan-African Parliament. These will help further substantiate the China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership.
扩大和加强中国人民政治协商会议同非洲国家议会、泛非议会及非盟经济社会文化理事会、非洲各国经济社会理事会等相关机构的交往。China stands for expanded and strengthened exchanges between the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and relevant institutions such as African national parliaments, the Pan-African Parliament, the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union (AU), and the economic and social councils of individual African countries.
中国共产党愿在独立自主、完全平等、相互尊重、互不干涉内部事务的原则基础上,扩展和深化与非洲各国友好政党和政治组织各种形式的交往与合作。积极探索建立集体交流对话的新平台,增进相互了解和友谊,深化治国理政经验交流,增进双方对彼此执政体制和理念的了解和认同,相互学习借鉴,共同提高执政能力,促进国家关系发展。The Communist Party of China stands ready to expand and deepen diverse forms of exchanges and cooperation with friendly political parties and organizations in African countries based on the principles of independence, equality, mutual respect and non-interference in each other's internal affairs. It is committed to exploring a new platform for collective communication and dialogue with the aim of enhancing mutual understanding and friendship and deepening exchanges of governance experience. This will also enable them to better understand and recognize each other's governance systems and philosophies, learn from each other, improve governance capacities together and contribute to the development of state-to-state relations.
保持双方军队领导人互访势头,加强政策对话,扩大青年军官交流。Efforts will be made to maintain the momentum of mutual visits between Chinese and African military leaders, and push for strengthened policy dialogue and increased exchanges between young officers.
支持双方建立更多友好省州或友好城市,加强中非地方政府之间的交往,促进双方在地方发展和治理方面的交流与合作。China supports the establishment of an increasing number of twin province/state and twin city relationships between China and African countries in a bid to strengthen ties between Chinese and African local governments and facilitate exchanges and cooperation in local development and administration.
(二)深化国际事务合作2. Deepening cooperation in international affairs
进一步加强中非在联合国等国际机构和其他国际场合的交流与合作,就重大国际和地区问题保持沟通与协调,在涉及各自国家主权、领土完整、民族尊严和发展利益等重大问题上相互理解和支持,维护双方和发展中国家的共同利益。China will further enhance exchanges and cooperation with African countries in international institutions such as the UN and on other international occasions. It will maintain communication and coordination with African countries on prominent international and regional issues. It stands for mutual understanding and support on major issues concerning their respective state sovereignty, territorial integrity, national dignity and development interests, while safeguarding their shared interests as well as those of developing countries.
共同维护以《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则为核心的国际秩序和国际体系。中国坚定支持增加发展中国家在国际治理体系中的代表性和发言权。中国支持对联合国进行全面改革,主张优先增加非洲国家在联合国安理会和其他机构中的代表性和发言权,以解决非洲遭遇的历史不公。共同致力于维护《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则,切实维护国际公平正义,推动国际秩序朝着更加公正合理的方向发展。China will work in concert with Africa to uphold the international order and system underpinned by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. It is firmly supportive of increasing the representation and voice of developing countries in the international governance system. Supporting comprehensive reform of the UN, China maintains that priority should be given to increasing African countries' representation and voice in the UN Security Council and other UN agencies to address the injustices Africa suffered historically. It is committed, as African nations are, to defending the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, upholding international fairness and justice, and making the world order more just and reasonable.
呼吁国际社会继续推动全球经济治理改革,特别是尽快落实国际货币基金组织份额改革承诺,增加新兴市场国家和发展中国家的代表性和发言权。呼吁二十国集团加强与非洲的对话,支持非洲参与二十国集团事务。China calls on the international community to continue to step up the global economic governance reform-in particular, to deliver the promised IMF quota reform as soon as possible-so as to increase the representation and voice of emerging markets and developing countries. It calls for strengthened dialogue between the G20 and Africa and is supportive of Africa' s participation in G20 affairs.
共同推动国际社会同舟共济,权责共担,落实联合国发展峰会通过的2030年可持续发展议程,增强各国发展能力,改善国际发展环境,优化发展伙伴关系,健全发展协调机制,努力实现均衡、可持续发展和包容性增长,共同走出一条公平、开放、全面、创新的发展之路,努力实现共同发展,增进人类共同利益。继续坚持和弘扬平等互信、互利共赢、团结合作等原则,在新形势下推动南南合作向更高水平、更广范围、更大规模方向演进。China will join hands with Africa to call on members of the international community to realize that they are all in the same boat and should therefore share rights and responsibilities. In this spirit, it calls for efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted at the UN Sustainable Development Summit, strengthen all countries' capacities for development, ameliorate the international environment for development, optimize development partnerships and improve development coordination mechanisms. All these aim to achieve balanced, sustainable and inclusive growth, jointly create a path of development that is fair, open, comprehensive and innovative, realize common development and advance the common interests of mankind. China will continue to uphold and advocate the principles such as equality, mutual trust, win-win results, solidarity and cooperation while promoting South-South cooperation at a higher level, in a broader scope and on a larger scale under the new circumstances.
重申《联合国气候变化框架公约》在国际应对气候变化进程中的基础性地位,同意共同维护发展中国家团结,坚持《联合国气候变化框架公约》及其《京都议定书》的原则和规定,特别是公平原则、“共同但有区别的责任”原则和各自能力原则,推动建立公平合理、合作共赢的全球气候治理体制,促进公约的全面、有效和持续实施。注意到《联合国关于在发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国家,特别是在非洲防治荒漠化公约》取得积极进展,同意共同维护发展中国家利益,推动公约全面有效实施。China reaffirms the fundamental role of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in the international response to climate change. It agrees to jointly maintain the solidarity of developing countries, while upholding the principles and provisions of the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol, especially the principles of equity, "common but differentiated responsibilities" and respective capabilities. It is resolved to work for the establishment of an equitable, reasonable, cooperative and mutually beneficial international climate management system, and promote all-round, effective and sustained implementation of the UNFCCC. China has taken note of the progress made in the UN Convention to Combat Desertification in Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa. It agrees to jointly safeguard the interests of developing countries and push for the convention's full and effective implementation.
(三)深化经贸合作3. Deepening economic and trade cooperation
1、助推非洲工业化(1) Helping boost Africa's industrialization
将优先支持非洲工业化进程作为新时期中国对非合作的突破口和着力点,以产业对接和产能合作为龙头,以点带面,助推非洲加快工业化进程,为非洲实现经济独立和自主可持续发展提供坚实基础。积极支持非洲国家根据自身国情、发展需求和切实可行的国际规则,改善投资发展的软硬环境,完善吸引保护外国投资的法律法规和政府服务,破解基础设施建设滞后和人才不足两大制约发展瓶颈,积极有序推进中非产业对接与产能合作,助推非洲工业化和经济多元化进程,提高非洲国家生产、生活和就业水平。支持非洲国家建设经济特区、工业园区、科技园区,筑巢引凤。引导、鼓励和支持中国企业在非洲共同建设经贸合作区,作为推进中非产能合作的重要平台,吸引更多中国企业到非洲投资,建立生产和加工基地并开展本土化经营,增加当地就业、税收和创汇,促进产业转移和技术转让。China will make prioritizing support for Africa's industrialization a key area and a main focus in its cooperation with Africa in the new era. Allowing industrial alignment and capacity cooperation to play a leading role in bringing about overall development will help accelerate the industrialization in Africa, thereby providing a solid foundation for Africa's economic independence as well as self-reliant and sustainable development. In light of their national conditions, development needs and feasible international rules, China will vigorously support the efforts of African countries to improve their "soft" and "hard" environment for investment and development, optimizing laws and regulations on and government services for attracting and protecting foreign investment, and removing the two major bottlenecks impeding development, namely, backward infrastructure and inadequate professional and skilled personnel. Efforts will be made to promote industrial alignment and capacity cooperation between China and African countries in an orderly fashion, with the aim to facilitate Africa's industrialization and economic diversification, and increase the level of production, living standards and employment in African countries. China is supportive of African countries' development of special economic zones, industrial parks and science and technology parks to attract investment and talents. It will guide, encourage and support the efforts of Chinese enterprises to jointly build economic and trade cooperation zones in Africa to serve as important platforms for promoting China-Africa industrial capacity cooperation and attracting more Chinese enterprises to invest in Africa, build production and processing bases and localize their operations in Africa, contribute to the increase of local employment, tax revenue and foreign-exchange income, and promote the transfer of industries and technologies.
坚持“义利并举、合作共赢、开放包容、市场运作”的原则,在条件适宜的非洲国家优先打造中非产能合作先行先试示范区。充分发挥双方政府的引导、协调、管理和服务职能,加强宏观经济管理领域经验交流;创新双方在投资保护、金融、税收、海关、签证、移民、警务人员往来等方面合作机制,帮助非洲国家增强执法能力建设和提高管理服务水平。共同促进产能合作取得早期收获,积累发展与合作经验,发挥示范引领作用,促进、带动同其他非洲国家的合作发展。While sticking to the values of friendship, justice and shared interests, win-win cooperation, the principles of openness and inclusiveness, and market-based operation, China will give priority to building pilot industrial capacity cooperation demonstration zones in African countries with appropriate conditions. China will work together with chosen African countries to bring into full play their governments' role in guidance, coordination, management and service, increase exchanges of experience in macroeconomic management, and innovate on the cooperation mechanisms in investment protection, finance, taxation, customs, visa, immigration and exchanges of police officers to help African countries enhance capacity building in law enforcement and improve management and services. They will also work in concert to achieve an early harvest in their industrial capacity cooperation, accumulating development and cooperation experience, providing a demonstration effect and playing a leading role in bringing along cooperation with other African countries.
2、助力非洲农业现代化(2) Helping boost Africa's agricultural modernization
将支持非洲农业现代化建设作为新时期中国对非合作的优先重点领域,切实加大投入,扩大合作,着力帮助非洲国家解决这一事关国计民生和经济独立的基础产业发展问题。中国愿同非洲国家分享农业发展经验和技术,支持非洲国家提高农业技术、农牧渔业产品生产和加工技术水平,带动农业产业链建设,增强粮食自主生产能力,促进粮食安全,提升棉花等特色产业的国际竞争力,增加收入,改善农民生活。完善并继续建设农业技术示范项目,实施农业优质高产示范工程,加强种子研发、推广和普及,派遣高级农业专家组和农业职业教育教师组,扩大农业管理和技术培训的规模和效果。建立和完善双边农业合作机制,发挥各自优势和作用,加强项目监督和评估,提高合作质量和水平。鼓励和促进中非农产品贸易。鼓励和支持中国企业到非洲国家开展农业种植、粮食仓储、畜牧养殖、渔业捕捞及农产品加工等领域投资合作,增加当地就业、产品附加值和创汇,推进非洲农业现代化建设。帮助非洲国家推广灌溉技术,有效利用水资源,提高防洪、抗旱能力。China will prioritize support for Africa's agricultural modernization in its cooperation with Africa in the new era, with increased input and expanded cooperation to help African countries resolve the development problem of this basic industry that has a bearing on their national economy and people's livelihoods as well as economic independence. China is willing to share its experience and technology in agricultural development with African countries, and supports their efforts to improve their agricultural technology and techniques to produce and process agricultural, livestock and fishery products. This will help them build an agricultural value chain and increase independent grain production capacity to boost food security, enhance the competitiveness of cotton and other specialty industries in the world, generate more income and improve the livelihood of farmers. China will improve and continue to carry out agricultural technology demonstration projects in Africa, implement the High-Quality and High-Yield Agriculture Demonstration Project, bolster research and development, promotion and extensive use of seeds, send senior agricultural expert teams and agricultural vocational training teacher teams, and expand the scale and effect of training in agricultural management and technology. It will build and improve bilateral mechanisms for agricultural cooperation with Africa, give play to the strengths and roles of each side, and strengthen supervision and evaluation of cooperation projects to increase the quality and level of cooperation. China will encourage and promote China-Africa trade in agricultural products. It will encourage and support Chinese enterprises to engage in crop farming, grain storage, stockbreeding and fishery, and invest in the processing of agricultural products in African countries, helping create more jobs for local people, increase the added value of local products and generate more foreign-exchange income, and boosting Africa's agricultural modernization. China will also help African countries promote irrigation techniques, effectively use water resources, and improve their capacity to prevent floods and combat droughts.
3、全面参与非洲基础设施建设(3) Participating in Africa's infrastructure development across the board
鼓励和支持中国企业和金融机构扩大参与非洲基础设施建设,充分发挥政策性金融作用,创新投融资合作模式。坚持市场运作为主、点面结合、注重效益的原则,鼓励和支持中国企业采取多种模式参与非洲铁路、公路、通信、电力、区域航空、港口以及水资源开发保护、水利等基础设施建设,参与项目投资、运营和管理。鼓励双方在项目规划设计、工程建设、技术标准、工程监理、大型装备和管理运营等方面开展合作。China will encourage and support Chinese enterprises and financial institutions' expanded involvement in infrastructure development in Africa, give full play to the role of policy-based finance, and innovate on investment and financing cooperation models. While sticking to market-oriented operation, as well as the principles of overall cooperation with emphasis on selected areas and a focus on benefits, China will encourage and support the efforts of domestic enterprises to adopt various models to participate in the construction of railways, highways, telecommunications networks, electric power facilities, regional aviation networks, harbors, water works and other infrastructure projects as well as water resources development and protection in Africa. They will also be encouraged and supported to participate in investment, operation and management of these projects. It will encourage bilateral cooperation in the planning and designing, construction, technical standards, supervision, large equipment utilization, and management and operation of the projects.
坚持基础设施建设与产业发展协调推进,注重规模和集约效益,优先支持经济特区、工业园区、科技园区等相配套的基础设施系统建设,为非洲产业发展和中非产能合作创造有利条件。积极推进跨国跨区域基础设施互联互通,促进非洲一体化进程。China stands for pushing forward infrastructure and industrial development in Africa in a coordinated way, with a focus on intensive operation and economies of scale. It will prioritize support for the construction of infrastructure facilities for special economic zones, industrial parks, science and technology parks, etc., to provide favorable conditions for Africa' s industrial development and China-Africa industrial capacity cooperation. It will facilitate cross-border and cross-regional connectivity in infrastructure to help accelerate the process of African integration.
4、加强中非金融合作(4) Strengthening China-Africa financial cooperation
充分发挥优惠贷款等政策性金融、中非发展基金、非洲中小企业专项贷款、非洲共同增长基金、中非产能合作基金、金砖国家新开发银行等投融资平台作用,创新中非金融合作。支持中国金融机构与非洲国家、地区以及国际金融和开发机构加强交流并探讨联合融资合作,支持中非金融机构按照商业化原则合作建立合资银行。加强央行间货币合作,商讨扩大跨境本币结算和互换安排,鼓励双方企业在贸易投资中使用本币结算。支持互设金融机构,加大融资保险支持力度。加强中非在国际金融组织和机制中的协调配合,完善和改革国际金融体系,提高发展中国家的代表性和话语权。China will give full play to financing platforms and tools, which include preferential loans and other means of policy-based finance, the China-Africa Development Fund, special loans for African small and medium-sized enterprises, the Africa Growing Together Fund, China-Africa industrial cooperation fund, and the BRICS' New Development Bank, and seek innovation in its financial cooperation with Africa. It will support the efforts of Chinese financial institutions to increase exchanges and seek co-financing cooperation with their counterparts in African countries and African regional and global financial and development institutions, and support Chinese and African financial institutions in establishing joint-stock banks based on commercial principles. China will strengthen currency cooperation between the central banks of the two sides, discuss with African countries the arrangements for expanding cross-border local currency settlements and currency swaps, and encourage Chinese and African enterprises to settle their trade and investment in local currencies. It will also support reciprocal establishment of financial institutions, and increase support to financing insurance. China will step up coordination and collaboration with African countries in international financial organizations and mechanisms to improve and reform the current international financial system and increase the representation and voice of developing countries.
5、促进中非贸易与投资便利化(5) Promoting the facilitation of China-Africa trade and investment
支持更多非洲产品进入中国市场,根据履行双边换文手续情况,继续对原产于与中国建交的最不发达国家97%税目产品实施零关税。鼓励中非企业利用港口优势建设区域物流和商品批发中心。加强对非出口产品质量管理和营销渠道建设,加大双方检验检疫合作力度,共同打击进出口假冒伪劣商品。推动中非海关合作,加强信息互换、监管互认和执法互助,共同打击商业瞒骗行为,营造守法便利的贸易环境。帮助非洲国家加强海关、检验检疫能力建设,支持非洲国家提高贸易便利化水平,助力非洲区内贸易发展。支持非洲自贸区建设和一体化进程,积极探讨与非洲国家和区域组织建立制度性贸易安排。China will encourage more African commodities to enter the Chinese market and continue to grant zero-tariff treatment to 97 percent of taxable items from the least developed countries that have established diplomatic relations with China, according to the implementation of exchanged notes by both sides. Both Chinese and African enterprises are encouraged to make the most of harbor advantages to build regional logistics and wholesale centers. China will strengthen quality control of the goods exported to Africa and build more sales channels, reinforce cooperation in inspection and quarantine with African countries, and jointly crack down on counterfeit or substandard import and export goods. China will boost customs cooperation with Africa, increase information exchange, mutual recognition of supervision and mutual assistance with law enforcement, jointly combat commercial fraud and create a law-abiding and convenient trade environment. China will help African countries enhance capacity building in customs, inspection and quarantine, provide support to improve trade facilitation, and help boost trade within Africa. China will continue to support the development of the African Free Trade Zone and regional integration, and discuss the establishment of institutionalized trade arrangements with countries and regional organizations in Africa.
结合非洲需要和中方优势,在平等互利、合作共赢基础上,积极推动中非经贸合作提质增效,支持非洲加快工业化和农业现代化进程,鼓励和支持中国企业扩大和优化对非工业、农业、基础设施、能源等领域投资合作,并继续为符合条件的项目提供优惠性质贷款及出口信用保险支持等,适当提高优惠贷款优惠度。While aligning Africa' s needs with China' s advantages and adhering to the principles of equality, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, China is committed to improving the quality and efficiency of China-Africa economic and trade cooperation, helping Africa speed up its industrialization and agricultural modernization, and encouraging and supporting the efforts of Chinese enterprises to expand and optimize their investment in areas such as industry, agriculture, infrastructure and energy in Africa. It will continue to provide concessional loans and export credit insurance support to qualified projects and moderately increase the concessionality of its concessional loans.
6、深化资源能源合作(6) Bolstering resource and energy cooperation
本着合作共赢、绿色、低碳和可持续发展的原则,扩大和深化中非资源能源领域互利合作,帮助非洲国家加强资源能源勘探开发和加工能力,提高初级产品附加值,增加当地就业和创汇,将资源能源禀赋转化为可持续发展和惠及民生的成果。创新中非资源能源合作模式,扩大能矿领域全产业链合作。支持非洲国家和区域电网建设,推进风能、太阳能、水电等可再生能源和低碳绿色能源开发合作,促进非洲可再生能源合理开发利用,服务非洲工业化。On the basis of the principles of win-win cooperation, green development, low-carbon emissions and sustainable development, China will expand and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in resources and energies with African countries. It will help African countries strengthen their capabilities in exploration, development and processing of resources and energies, increase the added value of their primary products, create more local jobs, generate more foreign-exchange income, and turn their resource and energy endowment into achievements in sustainable development and benefits that can be shared by African people. China will innovate on the models of resource and energy cooperation with Africa, and expand whole-industry-chain cooperation in energy and mining sectors. It will support the construction of national or regional power grids in Africa, boost cooperation with Africa in the development of renewable energy and low-carbon, green energy such as wind power, solar power and hydropower, and promote rational development and utilization of renewable energy sources in Africa in order to serve Africa' s industrialization.
7、拓展海洋经济合作(7) Expanding cooperation on the marine economy
充分发挥非洲有关国家的丰富海洋资源及发展潜力,支持非洲国家加强海洋捕捞、近海水产养殖、海产品加工、海洋运输、造船、港口和临港工业区建设、近海油气资源勘探开发、海洋环境管理等方面的能力建设和规划、设计、建设、运营经验交流,积极支持中非企业开展形式多样的互利合作,帮助非洲国家因地制宜开展海洋经济开发,培育非洲经济发展和中非合作新的增长点,使非洲丰富的海洋资源更好地服务国家发展、造福人民。China will help fully tap into the abundant marine resources and development potential of relevant African countries and support them in strengthening capacity building, planning, designing, construction and exchange of operation experience in marine fishing, offshore aquaculture, seafood processing, maritime transportation, shipbuilding, construction of harbors and harbor industrial parks, exploration and development of offshore oil and gas reserves, as well as management of the marine environment. It will support the efforts of Chinese and African enterprises to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation in various forms. It will also help African countries develop the marine economy in light of local conditions and explore new areas for Africa' s economic growth and China-Africa cooperation, so that African countries' abundant marine resources can better serve their national development and bring more benefits to their people.
(四)加强中非发展合作4. Strengthening development cooperation between China and Africa
1、持续增加对非洲发展援助(1) Continuing to increase development assistance to Africa
作为最大的发展中国家,中国长期并将继续坚持向非洲国家提供力所能及的援助。每当中国遭受重大自然灾害时,也及时得到非洲国家的支持和援助。中国愿继续本着患难与共、风雨同舟的精神,秉持不附加任何政治条件、不干涉别国内政、不强人所难的原则,根据自身财力和经济发展状况,针对非洲国家急迫需求,继续向非洲国家提供紧急和必要的援助并逐步增加援助规模,创新援助模式,优化援助条件,重点用于人力资源开发、基础设施建设、医疗卫生、农业和粮食安全、气候变化、防治荒漠化、野生动植物和环境保护以及人道主义援助等领域,帮助非洲国家减少贫困、改善民生、增强自主发展能力。As the largest developing country, China has provided assistance to African countries for a long time and will continue to do so within its capability. China has also received support and assistance from African countries in a timely manner whenever it is stricken by a big natural disaster. It stands ready to continue to provide and gradually increase emergency aid and necessary assistance to African countries in a spirit of sharing weal and woe and standing together through thick and thin with the latter. While providing the assistance in light of its own financial capacity and economic situation and the pressing needs of African countries, China sticks to the principles of no political strings attached, non-interference in others' internal affairs and no demands imposed on others. China will come up with innovative assistance models and optimize assistance conditions. China's assistance will be primarily used in the areas of human resources development, infrastructure, medical care and health, agriculture, food security, climate change response, desertification prevention and control, and wildlife and environmental protection, and for humanitarian purposes, with the aim to help African countries alleviate poverty, improve people's livelihoods and build up capacity for independent development.
中方将认真落实免除对非洲有关最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家、小岛屿发展中国家截至2015年底到期未还的政府间无息贷款债务承诺。China will honor its promise to exempt the intergovermental interest-free loans borrowed by the relevant least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing countries in Africa that are not returned when they mature at the end of 2015.
2、支持非洲加强公共卫生防控体系和能力建设(2) Supporting Africa in strengthening its public health system and capacity building
总结中非合作抗击埃博拉疫情、疟疾的经验,深化扩大中非公共卫生合作。加强公共卫生政策沟通,支持非洲加强公共卫生防控体系和能力建设,积极参与非洲疾病控制中心筹建,协助非洲国家提高实验室技术能力和开展卫生人力资源培训,重点帮助防控影响非洲人民健康的慢性非传染性疾病、虫媒传染病以及疟疾、霍乱、埃博拉出血热、艾滋病、结核病等可预防的传染性疾病和新发疾病。发挥自身优势,优先支持非洲各国口岸卫生检疫核心能力建设、传染病监测哨点建设、妇幼医疗能力建设和现有医疗机构专业科室建设。继续支持非洲国家卫生基础设施建设。继续向非洲国家派遣医疗队,开展中非对口医院的合作,加强专科医学、传统医药等交流与合作,着力提高当地医护水平。继续推动白内障手术“光明行”等短期义诊活动。加强医疗机构和药品监督管理部门之间的对口交流与合作。支持同世界卫生组织、非盟等国际和地区组织开展合作,鼓励中国医药制造企业在非投资,降低非洲医药产品成本,提高非洲医药产品可及性。Drawing on the experience in joint fight against Ebola and malaria, China will deepen and expand health cooperation with Africa. It will strengthen communication with Africa on medical and health policies, and support Africa's efforts to strengthen its public health and disease control and prevention system and capacity building. China will actively participate in the preparation for the establishment of an African Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and assist African countries to improve the level of laboratory technology and deliver training to medical personnel, with a focus on assisting in prevention and control of non-contagious chronic diseases, malaria and other insect-borne infectious diseases, cholera, Ebola, AIDS, tuberculosis, and other preventable infectious diseases and newly emerging diseases. By making full use of its own strengths, China will support, on a priority basis, the efforts of African countries to enhance their core capacity in border health quarantine, build infectious diseases monitoring stations, provide medical services to women and children, and improve the departments and services in the existing medical facilities. China will continue to support African countries in health infrastructure development. It will continue to send medical teams to African countries, launch cooperation between counterpart Chinese and African hospitals, and enhance exchanges and cooperation between modern and traditional medicine with a focus on improving local medical services. It will also continue to promote the "Brightness Action" campaign to provide free cataract operation and other short-term free medical services. China stands for increasing paired exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and African medical institutions and drug administration agencies, and supports their cooperation with international and regional organizations such as the World Health Organization and the African Union. It will encourage Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises to invest in Africa in a bid to lower the cost of medicines in Africa and increase the affordability of medical and pharmaceutical products in Africa.
3、扩大教育和人力资源开发合作(3) Expanding cooperation in education and human resources development
扩大中非教育合作,大力支持非洲教育事业发展。根据非洲国家经济和社会发展需要,加大投入,提高实效,帮助非洲国家培养培训更多急需人才,特别是师资和医护人才。加强双方教育部门和教育机构之间的交流与合作。继续实施“非洲人才计划”,逐步增加对非洲国家的政府奖学金名额,鼓励地方政府、高校、企业和社会团体设立奖学金,欢迎更多非洲青年来华学习,鼓励和支持他们在中非务实合作中发挥更大作用。鼓励双方更多高等院校建立合作伙伴关系,支持中非教师和学生交流,扩大“中非高校20+20合作计划”项目的合作成果。坚持学用结合,扩大师资培训和职业技术教育合作规模,扩展人力资源开发途径。China will expand cooperation in education with Africa, supporting educational development in the continent. It will provide more input in light of the social and economic development needs of African countries so as to achieve greater results, and help train more much-needed professionals for African countries, in particular, teachers and medical workers. While enhancing exchanges and cooperation between education administration agencies and institutions on both sides, China will continue to implement the "African Talents Program", gradually increase the number of government scholarships for applicants in African countries, and encourage local governments, institutions of higher learning, enterprises and social organizations to set up scholarships. It welcomes more African young people to study in China, encouraging and supporting them to play a bigger role in the pragmatic cooperation between China and Africa. China will encourage colleges and universities on both sides to establish partnerships, support exchanges between Chinese and African teachers and students, and magnify the effect of the 20+20 Cooperation Plan for Chinese and African Institutions of Higher Education. Following the principle of integrating learning and knowledge application, China will scale up cooperation in teacher training and vocational education with African countries with the aim to expand the channels for human resources development.
4、分享和推广减贫经验(4) Sharing and popularizing the experience in poverty alleviation
贫困是中非面临的共同挑战。中方将认真兑现向国际社会所作的支持实现2030年可持续发展议程有关承诺,积极落实《中国和非洲联盟加强中非减贫合作纲要》,加强中非减贫领域合作,发挥中国与联合国共同设立的中国国际扶贫中心等国际减贫交流平台的作用,鼓励和支持双方政府、学术机构、企业和非政府组织开展形式多样的减贫经验交流与务实合作。共同分享中国通过农村扶贫开发实现大规模减贫的成功经验,加强项目示范合作,支持非洲国家增强自主减贫和发展能力。Poverty is the common challenge confronting China and Africa. China will fulfill its promise to the international community to support the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It will actively implement the Program for Strengthening China-Africa Cooperation on Poverty Reduction issued by China and the AU, strengthen China-Africa poverty alleviation cooperation, give play to the role of international poverty alleviation platforms such as the International Poverty Reduction Center in China jointly established by China and the United Nations, and encourage and support governments, academic institutions, enterprises and non-governmental organizations on both sides to carry out diverse forms of experience exchanges and pragmatic cooperation on poverty alleviation. These will facilitate the sharing of China's successful experience in achieving large-scale poverty reduction by alleviating rural poverty through development. China will strengthen cooperation on demonstration projects to support African countries in enhancing their capability of independent poverty alleviation and development.
5、加强科技合作与知识共享(5) Stepping up science and technology cooperation and knowledge sharing
继续推动实施中非科技伙伴计划,鼓励双方加强农业、水资源、能源、航空航天、通信、环境保护、荒漠化防治、医疗、海洋等领域科技交流与合作。支持非洲国家科技能力建设,在重点领域共建联合实验室、联合研究中心或科技园区,继续资助非洲杰出青年科学家来华开展短期科研工作,加强适用技术和政策培训,共建先进适用技术应用与示范基地。积极推进中国科技成果和先进适用技术在非洲的推广和应用。China will continue to push forward implementation of the China-Africa Science and Technology Partnership Plan, and encourage strengthened science and technology exchanges and cooperation between China and African countries in the fields of agriculture, water resources, energy, aviation and aerospace, telecommunication, environmental protection, desertification prevention and control, medical care and marine sector. It will support African countries in building up their capacity in science and technology, and work with them to set up joint laboratories, joint research centers, and science and technology parks in key areas. It will continue to sponsor outstanding young African scientists to conduct short-term research in China, step up training on applied technology and relevant policies, and jointly establish advanced-technology application and demonstration bases. China will promote the dissemination of China' s science and technology research results and the popularization and application of advanced and applied technology in Africa.
6、加强气候变化和环境保护协作(6) Enhancing cooperation on climate change and environmental protection
大力发展和巩固中非在《联合国气候变化框架公约》和其他相关机制下合作,积极推动双方开展应对气候变化磋商、交流和相关项目合作。创新合作领域,深化务实合作,共同提高应对气候变化能力。加强环境政策对话,密切中非在双多边环境领域的协调与合作。加强在生态保护、环境管理、污染防治、生物多样性保护、水资源保护和荒漠化防治等领域的教育和人力资源培训和综合治理示范合作。推动适用环境友好型产能合作与技术转让。加强环保法律、法规交流,积极开展在濒危野生动植物种保护领域的对话与合作,加强情报交流和执法能力建设,严厉打击走私濒危野生动植物的跨国有组织犯罪活动。在履行《生物多样性公约》、《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》等国际事务中加强沟通、协调立场,共同促进全球野生动植物保护和可持续利用。China will boost and consolidate cooperation with Africa under the UNFCCC and other relevant mechanisms, and push for both sides to carry out consultations, exchanges and cooperation projects in relation to addressing climate change. China will innovate on cooperation areas, deepen pragmatic cooperation, and work in concert with Africa to enhance the capacity for tackling climate change. China stands for closer policy dialogue, and closer bilateral and multilateral coordination and cooperation with Africa in the area of environment. It calls for strengthened cooperation in education and personnel training on ecological protection, environment management, pollution prevention and control, bio-diversity and water resources conservation, and the prevention and control of desertification, as well as in demonstration projects in these areas. It will push forward environment-friendly industrial capacity cooperation and transfer of applied technology. While enhancing exchanges on environmental protection laws and regulations, China will engage in dialogue and cooperation on the conservation of endangered species of wild fauna and flora, step up intelligence sharing and capacity building in law enforcement, and crack down on transnational organized crimes related to endangered wildlife trafficking. While implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora and dealing with other related international affairs, China will strengthen communication and coordinate positions with African countries, in a bid to work together to promote the protection and sustainable exploitation of global wild fauna and flora.
(五)深化和扩大人文领域交流与合作5. Deepening and expanding cultural and people-to-people exchanges
1、拓展文化、体育交流与合作(1) Expanding exchanges and cooperation in culture and sports
保持文化高层交往势头,实施双边文化合作协定及其执行计划。鼓励并支持非洲国家开展汉语教学,继续在非洲国家增设孔子学院,鼓励和支持中非互设文化中心。支持在中国和非洲举办“国家年”活动。丰富“中非文化聚焦”、“中非文化人士互访计划”和“中非文化合作伙伴计划”等活动内容,提高文化交流实效,尊重彼此文化多样性,促进中非文化兼容并蓄、共同繁荣,增进双方人民彼此了解和友谊。推动双方文化机构和人员往来,加强人才培养和文化产业合作。China will maintain the momentum of high-level contacts, and implement bilateral cultural cooperation agreements and their implementation plans. Encouraging and supporting African countries for Chinese-language teaching, China will continue to set up more Confucius Institutes in African countries, and encourage and support the opening of Chinese cultural centers in Africa and African cultural centers in China. It will support the holding of the "Year of China" events in Africa and the "Year of an African Country" events in China, raise the profile of the "Chinese/African Cultures in Focus" events, and enrich the program of China-Africa mutual visits between cultural personnel and the China-Africa Cultural Cooperation Partnership Program, with the aim to achieve better results in cultural exchanges. China stands for respect of each other's cultural diversity, and will promote China-Africa cultural inclusiveness and common prosperity, thereby enhancing understanding and friendship between Chinese and African people. In addition to promoting exchanges between cultural institutions and personnels, China will strengthen cooperation with Africa in cultural industry and personnel training.
根据突出重点、量力而行原则,加强与非洲国家的体育交流和务实合作,继续提供援助,支持非洲国家体育事业发展。According to the principle of focusing on key areas and doing things within its capability, China will strengthen exchanges and result-oriented sports cooperation with African countries and continue to provide assistance to support the development of sports in African countries.
2、扩大旅游合作(2) Expanding tourism cooperation
继续为公民赴对方国家和地区旅游提供签证、服务等便利,支持对方在本国、本地区境内举办旅游推介活动,鼓励双方航空公司开辟更多中非间航线航班,扩大人员往来。中方欢迎具备条件的非洲国家提出成为中国公民出境旅游目的地的申请,并将予以积极考虑。支持双方企业在旅游基础设施建设等领域开展互利合作,改善和优化旅游环境。China will work with African countries to provide convenience in visa application and other services to facilitate travels by their nationals to their respective countries and regions, support tourism promotion activities in each other's countries and regions, encourage airlines on both sides to open more air routes and operate more flights between China and Africa, and expand personnel exchanges and visits. China welcomes and is willing to give positive consideration to applications of qualified African countries for Approved Destinations Status for outbound Chinese tourist groups, and support Chinese and African enterprises to engage in mutually beneficial cooperation in tourism infrastructure development, thereby improving and optimizing the environment for tourism.
3、扩大新闻和广播影视合作(3) Broadening cooperation on press, radio, film and television
大力推动中非新闻媒体开展形式多样的交流与合作,积极为此创造条件并提供指导和便利。加强政府新闻主管部门对话与磋商,就深化新闻合作、加强网络空间管理、处理与媒体关系交流经验,优先支持非洲媒体加强能力建设。支持办好中非新闻交流中心,加大对中国与非洲各自发展以及中非关系信息传播力度和全面、客观报道,增进双方人民彼此了解和认知。鼓励中非媒体加强新闻研讨、人员培训、内容互换、联合采制和新媒体领域等合作。加强中非广播影视技术交流与产业合作,鼓励中非广播电视机构互联互通。继续支持非洲推进广播电视数字化,提供融资、技术支持和人才培训,鼓励中非企业开展合资合作。China will push forward diverse forms of exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and African media outlets, creating necessary conditions for this purpose and providing guidance and convenience. Dialogue and consultation between relevant government departments will be strengthened for the purpose of deepening media cooperation, enhancing cyberspace management and sharing experience in handling the relations with media, with a priority given to support capacity building of African media. Support will be provided for the sound development of the China-Africa Press Center, with the aim to increase objective and balanced media coverage on the development of China and Africa and on China-Africa relations so as to promote mutual understanding and recognition between Chinese and African people. China will encourage Chinese and African media organizations to step up cooperation in areas such as journalism studies, personnel training, content exchanges and joint news gathering and production, and new media. China will strengthen technological exchanges and industrial cooperation with Africa on radio, film and television, and encourage connection and contacts between Chinese and African radio and TV broadcasters. It will continue to promote the digitization of radio and TV broadcasting in Africa, provide related financing, technical support and personnel training, and encourage Chinese and African enterprises to engage in joint venture cooperation.
4、鼓励学术和智库交流(4) Encouraging exchanges between academia and think tanks
鼓励中非高校开展合作研究,壮大中非学术研究力量。积极实施“中非联合研究交流计划”和“中非智库10+10合作伙伴计划”。积极支持中非学术研究机构和智库开展课题研究、学术交流、研讨会、著作出版等多种形式的交流与合作,优先支持双方开展治国理政、发展道路、产能合作、文化与法律异同等促进中非友好合作的课题研究与成果分享。China will encourage Chinese and African universities to carry out joint studies to enhance research strengths of both sides. China will actively implement the China-Africa Joint Research and Exchange Plan and the China-Africa Think Tanks 10+10 Partnership Plan. It will support Chinese and African research institutes and think tanks to engage in multi-forms of exchanges and cooperation, such as joint researches, seminars, and publishing of books. Priority support will be given to joint researches and result sharing in areas that are conducive to promoting China-Africa friendly cooperation, such as governance, development paths, industrial capacity cooperation, and comparison of cultures and laws.
5、增进民间交流(5) Enhancing people-to-people exchanges
继续加强中非民间交往,促进民意沟通,推动民生合作。落实《中非民间交流合作倡议书》,鼓励实施“中非民间友好行动”、“中非民间友好伙伴计划”等,支持民间组织和社会团体开展形式多样的友好交流和公益活动。China will continue to enhance people-to-people exchanges to increase mutual understanding between Chinese and African people and push forward cooperation on improving people's livelihoods. It encourages the implementation of the Proposals on China-Africa People-to-People Exchanges and Cooperation, China-Africa People-to-People Friendship Action and China-Africa People-to-People Friendship and Partnership Program, and supports non-governmental organizations and social groups to engage in diverse forms of friendly exchanges and public benefit activities.
着力推动中非青年交流势头。推动双方政府青年事务部门和政党青年组织交往。积极开展双方社会各界青年杰出人才交流活动。鼓励和引导中国青年志愿者赴非洲国家服务,开展扶贫、支教等活动。It will promote exchanges between Chinese and African youths and contacts between Chinese and African government departments for youth affairs and youth organizations of political parties, and promote exchanges between outstanding youths from all walks of life in China and Africa. It will encourage and guide Chinese young volunteers to go to African countries to deliver volunteer services, and engage in poverty alleviation, education assistance and other activities.
继续加强中非性别平等领域的交流与合作,进一步深化妇女机构和组织交往,加强妇女问题高层对话,保持在多边妇女事务上的良好协作,共同促进中非妇女事业发展。继续向非洲国家提供必要妇幼领域援助,加强技能培训合作。China will continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with Africa to promote gender equality, deepen exchanges between women's organizations and high-level dialogue on women's issues, maintain good cooperation on multilateral women's affairs, and work with Africa to promote women's cause in China and African countries. It will continue to provide necessary assistance to African countries to benefit women and children, and strengthen cooperation in skills training.
开展残疾人服务体系和社会保障政策等方面的交流。加强在康复、教育就业、社会保障、扶贫开发等领域合作。China will engage in exchanges with Africa in such areas as service systems for persons with disabilities and social security policies for them. For this, efforts will be made to step up cooperation in areas including rehabilitation, education, employment, social insurance, and development-oriented poverty reduction.
加强中非工会组织之间的友好交流与合作。China will intensify friendly exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and African trade unions.
(六)促进非洲和平与安全6. Promoting peace and security in Africa
1、支持非洲实现和平与安全(1) Supporting Africa in realizing peace and security
支持非洲国家以非洲方式自主解决非洲问题的努力。在充分尊重非洲意愿、不干涉内政、恪守国际关系基本准则基础上,为维护和促进非洲和平与安全发挥建设性作用。积极探索具有中国特色的建设性参与解决非洲热点问题的方式和途径,为非洲和平与安全发挥独特的影响力、作出更大的贡献。进一步发挥中国政府非洲事务特别代表的作用。China supports African countries' efforts in independently resolving their continent's issues in their own way. Based on the principles of respecting the wills of African countries, not interfering in African countries' internal affairs and observing the basic norms governing international relations, China will play a constructive role in maintaining and promoting peace and security in Africa. It will explore means and ways with Chinese characteristics to constructively participate in resolving hot-button issues in Africa and exert a unique impact on and make greater contributions to African peace and security. The Special Representative of the Chinese government on African Affairs will continue to play a contributing part.
加强同非洲地区组织和非洲国家在和平与安全事务上的对话与磋商,坚持以发展促和平、以和平谋发展,认真贯彻共同、合作、综合和可持续的安全共识。支持非洲国家、非洲联盟以及次区域组织致力于维和维稳能力建设和有关努力。落实“中非和平安全合作伙伴倡议”,继续为非洲常备军、非洲危机快速反应部队等非洲集体安全机制建设提供力所能及的支持。China will strengthen dialogue and consultation with African countries and regional organizations on peace and security issues, pursue the principle of securing peace through development and promoting development with peace, and implement the consensus on achieving common, cooperative, comprehensive and sustainable security. It will support the efforts by African countries, the AU and sub-regional organizations to build capabilities in safeguarding peace and stability in Africa, and other relevant efforts. It will implement the Initiative on China-Africa Cooperative Partnership for Peace and Security and continue to provide, within its capabilities, support to Africa for its development of collective security mechanisms such as the African Standby Force and the African Capacity for Immediate Response to Crises.
在联合国等多边场合主持公道,伸张正义,维护非洲和发展中国家共同利益。重视并支持联合国在维护非洲和平与稳定方面发挥重要作用,继续支持并扩大参与联合国在非洲的维护和平与建设和平的努力。China will uphold justice and safeguard the common interests of Africa and developing countries in multilateral organizations such as the UN. China attaches great importance to and supports the UN's important role in safeguarding peace and stability in Africa, and will continue to support and expand its participation in the UN's efforts in Africa aimed at maintaining and building peace.
2、深化军事合作(2) Deepening military cooperation
进一步加强中非军事交流与合作,深化军事专业技术领域合作,积极开展部队联合训练。根据非方需要,扩大对非洲国家军事人员的培训规模,创新培训模式。继续支持非洲国家加强国防和维稳能力建设,维护自身安全与地区和平。China will further strengthen military exchanges and cooperation with African countries. It will deepen military-related technological cooperation and carry out joint military training and exercises. China will scale up training of African military personnel according to the needs of the African side, and innovate on the training methods. It will continue to help African countries enhance their capacity building in national defense and peacekeeping to safeguard their own security and regional peace.
3、支持非洲应对非传统安全威胁(3) Supporting Africa in confronting non-traditional security threats
加强情报交流与能力建设合作,共同提高应对非传统安全威胁的能力。支持国际社会打击海盗的努力,继续派遣军舰参与执行维护亚丁湾和索马里海域国际海运安全任务,积极支持非洲国家维护几内亚湾海运安全。China will strengthen cooperation with Africa in intelligence sharing and capacity building, and improve capabilities to confront non-traditional security threats together with African countries. It will support the international community's efforts to crack down on piracy, continue to send naval vessels to participate in the missions for maintaining navigation safety in the Gulf of Aden and in waters off the coast of Somalia, and assist African countries in ensuring navigation safety in the Gulf of Guinea.
支持非洲国家和地区组织提高反恐能力和致力于反恐努力,帮助非洲国家发展经济,消除恐怖主义滋生土壤,维护地区安全稳定,促进非洲持久和平与可持续发展。加强与非盟和地区重点国家反恐交流合作。China will support the efforts of African countries and regional organizations in improving counter-terrorism capabilities and fighting terrorism, and help African countries develop their economy and root out the causes of terrorism, with the aim to safeguard regional security and stability and promote long-term peace and sustainable development in Africa. It will strengthen counter-terrorism exchanges and cooperation with the AU and priority countries in the region.
(七)加强领事、移民、司法、警务领域交流与合作7. Strengthening exchanges and cooperation in consular, immigration, judicial and police areas
积极支持便利中非人员往来的制度性安排,为扩大中非友好互利合作和人员有序往来提供保障。China will support institutional arrangements for the facilitation of personnel exchanges with Africa and guarantee the expansion of friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation and orderly personnel exchanges between the two sides.
有序在对方国家增设领事机构。加强同非洲国家领事磋商,就双边或多边领事关系中亟待解决或共同关心的问题进行友好商谈。密切移民管理部门在打击非法移民方面的交流与合作,支持非洲加强移民执法能力建设。China will work with African countries to establish more consular organizations in each other's territory in a planned manner. It will strengthen consular consultation with African countries for both sides to have amicable discussions on urgent problems or issues of common interest in bilateral or multilateral consular relations. China stands for closer exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and African immigration departments to fight illegal immigration, supporting African countries to strengthen capacity building in enforcement of immigration-related laws.
加强双方司法、警务部门交流与合作,在法制建设、司法改革等方面相互借鉴,支持非洲加强防暴、维稳和执法能力建设,采取切实有效措施,保障在本国境内对方人员和机构的安全与合法权益。China stands ready to promote exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and African judicial and police departments and the two sides may learn from each other in legal system development and judicial reform. It will support the efforts of Africa to strengthen capacity building in riot control, maintenance of stability and law enforcement. It stands for concrete and effective measures by both sides to protect the safety, rights and interests of personnel and organizations from the other side on their own soil.
加强双方在司法协助、引渡和遣返犯罪嫌疑人等领域合作。扩大司法协助类条约签署、打击犯罪和追逃追赃等领域合作。共同打击跨国犯罪,保障双方经贸和人员交往的正常秩序和正当合法权益。加强双方在监狱管理、社区矫正、戒毒康复和移管被判刑人员方面交流与合作。China will work with African countries to enhance cooperation in judicial assistance and extradition and repatriation of criminal suspects. They will expand cooperation in signing judicial assistance treaties, cracking down on crimes, and pursuing fugitives and recovering criminal proceeds. They will work in concert to crack down on cross-border crimes and ensure the order of and the just and legal rights involved in trade and economic and personnel exchanges. It calls for the two sides to increase communication and cooperation in the areas of jail management, community correction, drug rehabilitation and transfer of convicted persons.
第四部分 中非合作论坛机制建设及其后续行动Part IV. FOCAC and Its Follow-up Actions
自2000年成立以来,在中非双方共同推动下,中非合作论坛已经成为中非开展集体对话的重要平台和促进务实合作的有效机制。15年来,中非双方共同举办北京峰会和5届部长级会议,制定出一系列重要的纲领性合作文件,推动实施了一系列支持非洲发展、深化中非友好互利合作的重大举措,取得丰硕成果。Since its establishment in 2000, FOCAC has become an important platform for collective dialogue between China and Africa and an effective mechanism for their pragmatic cooperation, thanks to the efforts of both sides. In the past 15 years, China and Africa have co-hosted the Beijing Summit and five ministerial conferences, drawn up a series of important programmatic documents on cooperation, and promoted the implementation of measures supporting African development and deepening the friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation between the two sides, reaping fruitful results.
中非双方通过部长级会议、外长联大政治磋商、高官会和论坛中方后续行动委员会秘书处与非洲驻华使团磋商等平等对话机制积极开展对话,增进相互理解和政治互信。论坛构筑起全方位的务实合作平台,推动中非贸易和相互投资跨越式增长,促进了互利共赢、共同发展。论坛拉紧中非人文交往和民间友好纽带,促进双方各界交流日益频繁,巩固和拓展了中非友好的社会和民意基础。论坛增强了中非国际沟通与协作,共同维护中非和发展中国家的整体利益。China and Africa have held dialogues through equal-footed dialogue mechanisms such as the Ministerial Conference, the political consultation between Chinese and African foreign ministers on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly sessions, the Senior Officials Meeting, and the consultation between the Secretariat of the Chinese Follow-up Committee of FOCAC and the African Diplomatic Corps in China, further enhancing mutual understanding and political mutual trust. The forum has served as a platform for all-round pragmatic cooperation, pushing for leapfrog increase in China-Africa trade and mutual investment and promoting mutual benefit and common development. The forum has been a bridge for closer people-to-people exchanges and friendship between China and Africa, promoting bilateral exchanges in all areas, and consolidating and expanding the social and popular support for the friendship between China and African countries. It has helped enhance communication and collaboration between China and African countries in the international arena, facilitating them to work together in safeguarding the overall interests of the two sides and developing countries.
中方愿与非方共同努力,进一步加强论坛机制建设,拓展合作领域和途径,丰富合作内涵,推动中非在工业化、农业现代化、基础设施建设、人力资源开发、产能合作、金融、科技、教育、文化、卫生、减贫、法律、地方政府、青年、妇女、民间、智库、媒体等领域建立和完善分论坛机制,深化相关领域合作,使论坛框架下中非合作更加务实、更加富有成效,取得更多实实在在的成果,更好地惠及中非人民。China is willing to work with African countries to enhance the mechanism building of the forum, expand areas and ways of cooperation, enrich mutual cooperation, promote the establishment and improvement of sub-forum mechanisms in the fields of industrialization, agricultural modernization, infrastructure, human resources development, industrial capacity cooperation, finance, science and technology, education, culture, health, poverty reduction, law, locals, youth, women, people-to-people exchanges, think tanks and media, and deepen cooperation in relevant areas. All these are aimed at enabling China-Africa cooperation to be more pragmatic and effective and achieve more tangible results under the framework of the forum, thereby bringing greater benefits to the Chinese and African people.
第五部分 中国与非洲区域组织关系Part V. China's Relations with African Regional Organizations
中国重视并坚定支持非洲联盟在推进非洲联合自强和一体化进程中发挥领导作用、在维护非洲和平安全中发挥主导作用、在地区和国际事务中发挥更大作用,赞赏并支持非盟通过并实施《2063年议程》及其第一个10年规划。2014年中国设立驻非盟使团,标志中国与非盟关系发展进入新阶段。中国愿意进一步加强同非盟高层交往,充分发挥双方战略对话机制作用,加强政治对话和互信,促进双方在发展规划、减贫经验分享、公共卫生、和平安全和国际事务等领域合作。China values and supports the AU's leadership in building a united and strong Africa and promoting African integration, its centrality in safeguarding peace and security in Africa, as well as a bigger role for the organization in regional and international affairs. It appreciates and supports the AU's adoption and implementation of Agenda 2063 and its first 10-year plan. The creation of the Mission of the People's Republic of China to the AU in 2014 has taken China-AU relations to a new stage. China is ready to increase high-level exchanges with the AU, give full play to the China-AU strategic dialogue mechanism, and enhance political dialogue and mutual trust. It will promote cooperation with the AU in areas such as development planning, experience sharing in poverty reduction, health, peace and security, and international affairs.
中国赞赏非洲次区域组织在促进各自地区和平、稳定、发展方面所发挥的积极作用,愿意加强与各组织的友好交往与合作,支持非洲次区域组织能力建设。China appreciates the positive role of African sub-regional organizations in promoting peace, stability and development in their respective regions. It stands ready to strengthen friendly exchanges and cooperation with these organizations, and support their capacity-building efforts.


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