
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国网 2020-01-20

Ancient street gears up for festival

鼠年春节临近,一场传统年味小集在福州三坊七巷开张了。灯笼、面人等多种传统手工艺品吸引了不少市民前来游览选购。三坊七巷是福州最著名的历史街区,形成于唐代,兴盛于明清。它是南后街两旁从北到南依次排列的十条坊巷的简称。这里一直是“闽都名人的聚居地”,林则徐、沈葆桢、严复、陈宝琛、林觉民、林旭、冰心、林纾等大量对当时社会乃至中国近现代进程有着重要影响的人物皆出于此。[中国网 黄姗 摄]

A Spring Festival street market is held in Sanfang Qixiang, an ancient residential block in Fuzhou, capital of Fujian province in southeast China, on Jan. 19, 2020. Sanfang Qixiang (literally meaning "three lanes and seven alleys" in English) is one of the most famous historic districts in the city. It first took shape in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and flourished in the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911). It was once the most affluent neighborhood in the city and home to more than 400 rich, famous and powerful residents. (Photo by Huang Shan/China.org.cn)

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