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Bridesmaid Revisited
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While others prepare to return home for the May Day holiday, many female students are instead preparing for an unlikely situation, working as part-time bridesmaids. This rather bemusing option seems to be a wise one since it offers decent pay for comparatively little effort.



The demand for bridesmaids soars during the May Day holiday since many couples opt to get married at this time. Already, campuses are displaying many adverts seeking bridemaids.


One puzzling point is that bridesmaids are traditionally close friends or relatives of the married couple, so why are strangers suddenly being sought.


One prospective bride explained to the Chongqing Morning Post that she had to be forced to turn to her student cousin since all her friends were already married. The May Day holiday is also an inconvenient plan for many girls who have made plans to return home to attend a friend's wedding.


Wedding planners have thus turned to students to help rescue couples in such predicaments. Inexperienced students can earn between 300 to 500 yuan to pose as a bridesmaid as a wedding, with "professional" bridesmaids' commissions potentially rising to 800 yuan.


Such income has seen many students eager to apply. A further advantage is that weddings usually occur on weekends, enabling participants to work without disrupting study time.


Students who have worked as bridesmaids in the past have revealed that the job dictates they must not be pretty enough to upstage the bride. Furthermore, should alcohol threaten to get the better of the bride, they may be required to step in for the ceremonial toasts.  


Basic wedding etiquette is also taught before going on the job.


(CRI April 16, 2007)

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