The four-part documentary series "China From The Inside," produced by Granada Television and written and directed by Emmy-winning filmmaker Jonathan Lewis will be aired on Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) on January 10 and 17.
American viewers will get an insider's view of China through the four one-hour episodes, named Power and the People, Women of the Country, Shifting Nature and Freedom and Justice.
Jonathan Lewis spent 14 months shooting and exploring China and then nearly four years to finish the documentary.
The documentary shows perspectives ranging from those of the powerful to the powerless, the scholars and the uneducated in today's China.
It also features scenes from some of the most breathtaking places as well as the most polluted, conversations with modern urban people, along with inhabitants of traditional rural communities.
In only four hours, viewers will be able to discern a China that few outside the country ever glimpse, a country undergoing extraordinary growth while facing obstacles.
(CRI January 8, 2007)