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Another Taiwan Robbery Suspect Sent back
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Chinese mainland police on Thursday sent Liu Wenlong, a suspected accomplice in a Taipei bank security van robbery, back to Taiwan, the Ministry of Public Security said on Thursday.

Police in south China's Guangdong Province captured Liu in Zengcheng City on Feb. 5.

The main suspect, Li Hanyang, and his brother Li Jinzan, were sent back to Taiwan on Jan. 25, after being caught in southwest China's Yunnan Province on Jan. 9.

Li Hanyang, who worked as an armored vehicle driver in Taipei, is alleged to have stolen 56 million New Taiwan dollars (US$1.75 million) after drugging a colleague in the van on Jan. 2.

According to the ministry, Li's van was carrying 79.2 million New Taiwan dollars (US$2.48 million) to a bank on Jan. 2. Along the way, Li drugged his colleague, transferred 56 million New Taiwan dollars to another car and then drove to Taoyuan International Airport.

He gave the money to a man on his way to the airport, and then flew to Hong Kong with US$200,000.

Police on the Chinese mainland have returned 123 criminal suspects to Taiwan since 2000, according to the ministry.

An official with the ministry said that the Chinese mainland police will continue to cooperate with Taiwan police to safeguard the lives and property of people across the Straits.

(Xinhua News Agency March 2, 2007)

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