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Zhejiang told "prepare for worst" as global crisis expands
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The top government official of Zhejiang Province, an economic powerhouse on the east China seaboard, told local people on Wednesday to prepare for the worst as the global financial meltdown spread across borders.

Governor Lu Zushan extended New Year's greetings to his province via the local media, asking citizens to be enterprising, overcome difficulties and prepare for challenges in the new year.

"The year 2009 will be the most difficult and harshest in the economic development of Zhejiang Province," said Lu.

He encouraged local residents to be innovative, turn challenges into opportunities and secure new growth in the economy.

Zhejiang, which has an export-driven economy, has been one of China's hardest-hit regions from the global financial meltdown. Factories have closed as overseas orders plunge, and the worst impact is yet to come.

Lu said Zhejiang's output will exceed 2 trillion yuan (about US$294.12 billion) in 2008, while government revenue will exceed 370 billion yuan.

Urban per capita disposable income will exceed 22,000 yuan, while rural per capita net income will surpass 9,000 yuan.

(Xinhua News Agency January 1, 2009)

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