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China supports new UN resolution on Gaza: Foreign Ministry
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China said Friday it welcomes and supports the UN Security Council resolution on Gaza.

"The resolution reflects the concerns and desires of the international community on the situation in Gaza," Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said in response to a question.

China called for effective implementation by all parties concerned of the new resolution and an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, Qin noted.

China also urged Israel to withdraw its forces from Gaza, ensure the smooth operation of humanitarian aid activities and ease the humanitarian crisis in Gaza at an early date, he said.

Qin called on all parties concerned to continue the political process to achieve a just and reasonable settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli issue and realize the establishment of an independent Palestinian state and peaceful coexistence.

The UN Security Council on Thursday adopted a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza "leading to the full withdrawal of Israeli forces."

The new resolution, drafted by Britain, was adopted with 14 voting in favor and the United States abstaining after a compromise was reached between Arab foreign ministers and their Western counterparts.

More than 700 Palestinians reportedly died in 13 days of Israeli military action in Gaza, which was undertaken in retaliation for the firing of rockets into southern Israel by Hamas militants.

(Xinhua News Agency January 9, 2009)

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- China supports new UN resolution on Gaza: Foreign Ministry