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Indian PM likely to resign Monday
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Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is likely to resign Monday after declaration of the parliament results Saturday but will be asked to continue as caretaker PM by President Pratibha Patil till a new government assumes office, said the semi-official Press Trust of India Friday.

The prime minister has convened a meeting of the Union Cabinet on Monday to consider the one-point agenda of tendering resignation of his council of ministers to the president, the news agency quoted the prime minister's office as saying.

He is expected to call on the President Monday to submit the resignation of his council of ministers, said the news agency.

It is the normal practice in India that the outgoing government steps down after the announcement of the poll verdict even if the same alliance gets majority.

India will count the votes of the general elections which were held from mid-April till May 13.

Exit polls said the outgoing ruling party, the Congress party, and the opposition Bharata Janata Party are running neck to neck in the polls.

(Xinhua News Agency May 16, 2009)


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