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Day in pictures: Jan. 13

Former Chinese Vice Premier Qian Qichen (2nd L front) shakes hands with former U.S. President Jimmy Carter (1st R) after Qian's speech during The Seminar In Commemoration of The 30th Anniversary of The Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between China And The United States, in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 12, 2009. The seminar was opened on Monday. [Xinhua]

Former Chinese Vice Premier Qian Qichen (2nd L front) shakes hands with former U.S. President Jimmy Carter (1st R) after Qian's speech during The Seminar In Commemoration of The 30th Anniversary of The Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between China And The United States, in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 12, 2009. The seminar was opened on Monday. [Xinhua]

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