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Earthquake babies, bless your life
A vocational inclination test ceremony for the 'earthquake babies 'at a school in Shifang city, southwest China's Sichuan Province, May 13, 2009.

A vocational inclination test ceremony for the "earthquake babies "at a school in Shifang city, southwest China's Sichuan Province, May 13, 2009. The Luohan (Arhat) Temple in Shifang took in all the lying-in pregnant women as the neighbouring Maternal and Child Care Service Center of Shifang was dilapidated by the earthquake on May 12, 2008. Since May 13 to August 7, 2008, a total of 108 infants had been born in the temple. At the newly completed Beijing Primary School in Shifang, people held for all the 108 "earthquake babies" a traditional vocational inclination test ceremony to draw lots on the occasion of their first birthday. The ceremony is to predict the children's future and their personal character, as well as to bless their life, which is a time-honored popular tradition in China. [Chen Xie/Xinhua] 

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