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Monet, Picasso's works to be auctioned at Christie's

Workers hang Claude Monet's 'Au Parc Monceau' at Christie's auctioneers in London June 18, 2009. Monet's work, which carries an estimate of between 5-4.5 million pounds (5.68 million - 7.3 million U.S. dollars) is part of an Impressionist and Modern Art Sale that will take place at Christie's later this month. [Xinhua/Reuters]

Workers hang Claude Monet's "Au Parc Monceau" at Christie's auctioneers in London June 18, 2009. Monet's work, which carries an estimate of between 5-4.5 million pounds (5.68 million - 7.3 million U.S. dollars) is part of an Impressionist and Modern Art Sale that will take place at Christie's later this month. [Xinhua/Reuters]

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