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Transportation seen as weak point for 2014 World Cup
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With nearly six years to go before the 2014 World Cup kicks off in Brazil, the issue of transportation was discussed at length on Wednesday.

According to the vice president of the Brazilian Association of General Aviation (ABAG), Adalberto Febeliano, the country has yet had sufficient infrastructure in its airports to host the 2014 World Cup.

"Currently, our airport system attends about 4 million passengers per month. With an event like the World Cup, those numbers are expected to be doubled," said Febeliano.

Febeliano believes that more than 500,000 tourists are expected to travel to Brazil for the Cup. He also believes that each fan will plan to travel between six to eight times in Brazil, following their team around the country.

One of the cities that is expected to either host the opening game or the closing game is Sao Paulo in which the situation of the airports is much more critical. Following Sao Paulo, the next cities that face infrastructural problems are Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia.

(Xinhua News Agency September 25, 2008)

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