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Nepal to organize tourism year promotion
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The Nepal Association of Tour and Travel Agents (NATTA) is going to organize China Road Show in various Chinese cities with the aim of promoting Nepal Tourism Year 2011, The Kathmandu Post reported on Friday.

According to the daily, the road show is scheduled to be held in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong on Aug. 29-Sept. 5.

Nepali tourism entrepreneurs will be showing documentaries about Nepali tourism products and selling various packages to Chinese travel agents.

"As many as 25 Nepali travel agencies will be participating in the promotional campaign which the Nepal Tourism Board and Nepal Airlines will be supporting," said Ram Kazi Kone, president of NATTA.

Minister for Tourism and Civil Aviation Sharad Singh Bhandari is scheduled to participate in the road show to be held in Beijing.

Chinese tourists account for just 27 percent of total tourist arrivals in Nepal. A total of 33,316 Chinese tourists visited Nepal last year.

(Xinhua News Agency August 31, 2009)

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