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Obama lays out plans for economic growth

Obama lays out plans for economic growth
0 CommentsPrint E-mail CCTV, March 12, 2010
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U.S. President Barack Obama, anxious to spur growth and tackle high unemployment, has laid out a plan for tougher enforcement of trade laws, government advocacy and credit assistance to double U.S. exports in five years.


High U.S. unemployment is fueling anxiety about trade and trade agreements, which many of the president's fellow Democrats blame for millions of manufacturing job losses.

Obama says the U.S. economic future depends on producing more to export abroad.

The US President worked out a number of measures he said would help boost exports, including the creation of a new 2 billion US dollar Export-Import Bank credit facility to help small and medium-sized businesses increase overseas sales.

Barack Obama, U.S. Presiden, said, "Now, there's no question that as we compete in the global marketplace, we've got to look out for our workers. But to look out for our workers, we've got to be able to compete in the global marketplace. It's never been as important an opportunity for America as it is right now."


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