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Switzerland Pavilion for Shanghai Expo

Switzerland Pavilion for Shanghai Expo
0 CommentsPrint E-mail CCTV, April 13, 2010
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Visitors can also be face to face with the Swiss. Twelve Swiss people present themselves to the public in life-size images on screens. They talk about their visions of the future, their expectations, and their dreams. This section focuses on the responsible citizen, who is a prerequisite for a healthy and sustainable future.

A shortened version of the IMAX film entitled "The Alps" will be shown in the Swiss Pavilion, tailored specially to its large projection screen.

The film shows a continual series of broad landscape views of Switzerland that sweep with deliberate slowness across the mountain scenery.

The film shows the omnipresence of the Swiss mountains that, apart from being beautiful, represent a harsh and difficult habitat for mountain populations.

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