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'Dress Parade of Joy' to be part of World Expo

'Dress Parade of Joy' to be part of World Expo
0 CommentsPrint E-mail CCTV, April 16, 2010
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During the Shanghai World Expo, there will be something exciting to see both day and night. Visitors will be able to feast their eyes on spectacular displays from various cultures the world over.

And on Tuesday, a press conference was held to give a preview of the parades that will be part of the festivities.

According to the current plans, there will be three parades marching through parks of the World Expo every day. In Pudong where most of the international display venues are located, two routes will provide the theme titled "Global Classics". Route Number One will consist of over 200 performers and 11 massive floats. The procession will extend some 400 meters. In addition to music and dance, this parade will also showcase traditional clothes and customs from countries across the world.

Route number two will focus on the individual character of each country participating the World Expo. So far, nearly sixty countries have applied to be featured in the parade.

Route number three will enliven the Puxi section of World Expo Park. The theme will be "Ideas from the Future". The floats will display the products and benefits from the latest high-technology.

Li Jicheng, producer of World Expo Parades, said, "For example, we will install a huge LED screen on the float. And there will be a live camera feed connected to the screen to display the reactions of the onlookers. The interaction will be superb. The high-tech features will help make the parade more entertaining and involve the general public on a new scale."

During the 184 days of the World Expo, the three routes will provide over 900 performances, and will entertain over 30 million spectators.


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