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Mubarak's trial begins in Cairo

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail CNTV, August 4, 2011
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The trial of Egypt's former President, Hosni Mubarak, has started in Cairo. Mubarak was forced to leave power in February after massive protests and violence. And we will now bring you live to Cairo where the fallen leader appears in court.

Mubarak arrived in Cairo earlier Wednesday morning local time from a Sharm el-Sheikh hospital where he was being treated for a heart condition. The trial was originally going to be held in a convention center in Cairo, but the authorities moved the location to the police academy, out of security concerns.

The former president of Egypt for close to 30 years is charged with corruption, and ordering the killing of protestors, a charge which carries the death penalty. His sons Alaa and Gamal, former Interior Minister Habib al-Adly and other former officials will also face the court.

Earlier, Mubarack's lawyer said the former leader was too ill to stand trial. But some Egyptians suspect Mubarak's lawyer, and others close to him, of exaggerating the extent of his health problems to delay the proceedings.

Some 3 thousand soldiers and police have been called-in to maintain order at Cairo's Police Academy during the trial. Mubarak has been under arrest at a hospital in the coastal town of Sharm el-Sheikh since April. He was flown to the police academy just before the proceedings began.

The former Egyptian leader resigned on the 11th of February, after 18 days of deadly protests across the country.

Over the last month, there have been renewed sit-in protests in Tahrir Square by people angry at the slow pace of change in the country. Among their demands to the military council - now in charge of running the country - has been a call for speedier prosecutions of former government officials. The former Interior Minister, who is going on trial with Mubarak, was sentenced to 12 years in jail in May for money-laundering and profiteering.

Mubarak has been hospitalized in Sharm el-Sheikh since April when he was first questioned. Many Egyptians see his illness as a ruse so the army can avoid publicly humiliating their former commander, who has been charged with conspiring to kill protesters and other crimes.

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